The 10th EQAR Members’ Dialogue
The 10th Members’ Dialogue (MD) was held online on 14-15 January 2021, and revolved around the self-evaluation process that EQAR is currently undergoing. Results of several surveys (among EHEA governments, stakeholders and QA agencies) were shared and discussed during a plenary session, along with ideas on how to tackle some of the proposed areas for improvement.
During a panel discussion on key trends and policy developments, guest speakers Liz Marr – Pro-Vice-Chancellor Students of the Open University (UK), Emily Palmer – Secretary General of Una Europa and Diane Freiberger – Managing Director of FIBAA covered questions about the flexibility of the ESG, the challenges for EQAR in the changing landscape of higher education (e.g. digitalisation, increased cross-border collaboration between higher education institutions and new/flexible learning paths) and the importance of the national QA systems.
During the parallel sessions many ideas and proposals were made on how EQAR could contribute better to the sector with analyses and policy briefs, support the EHEA key commitments, and better disseminate and promote the information available from DEQAR and the Register Committee decisions.
These suggestions will be discussed further and feed into the self-evaluation report, which will be published in spring – stay tuned for that!
EQAR Members' Dialogue
EQAR's evaluation