Revision ESG

The Steering Group for the revision of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) has launched an open call for contributions to the revision process. The call addresses the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) as well as all others interested in contributing to the revision of the ESG.

The Steering Group for the revision of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) has launched an open call for contributions to the revision process. The call addresses the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) as well as all others interested in contributing to the revision of the ESG.

At the Bucharest Ministerial Conference in April 2012, European ministers of higher education decided to revise the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG) and invited BUSINESSEUROPE, Education International, ENQAESU,EUAEURASHE and EQAR to prepare an initial proposal.

The Steering Group looks forward to receiving your replies to the open call for contributions to the revision process by 26 March 2013 at the email address You can follow proceedings regarding ESG revision here:

6 February 2013: Revised Procedures for Applications

Based on its experience during the past four years since and in order to implement certain recommendations made by the external expert panel that evaluated EQAR in 2011, the Register Committee revised the Procedures for Applications in 2012.

The main changes brought about by the revision are:

  • The Register Committee’s decisions on all eligible applications for inclusion on the Register will be published, including their reasons.
  • A process has been introduced to confirm eligibility of a future
    application, before the external review process and actual application.
  • The rules regarding duration and renewal of inclusion have been
    clarified, and flexibility has been increased.
  • The full Curricula Vitae of the panel members that carried out the
    external review have to be submitted with applications.

Applications that were prepared in line with the previous version of the
Procedures will be fully compatible also with the revised Procedures, since
there has been no change in substance of the eligibility requirements or
criteria for inclusion.

Guide for Applicants [PDF]
Procedures for Applications [as of January 2013, PDF]
Information on applications for inclusion on the Register