Database of Precedents
2.6 Reporting – ACCUA – Compliance (2024) publication of reports, negative
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 27/11/2024 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords publication of reports, negative Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “7. In its previous decision, the Register Committee found the agency to be partially compliant due to the lack of publication of reports with negative results of its ex-ante verification of study programmes.
8. The Register Committee learned that ACCUA now publishes reports with negative and positive results of all evaluations processes except for reviews of universities for recognition on its website. From the report, the Committee learned that these reviews only occur by a request from the regional ministry and are sporadic. The Committee further understood that the agency is not authorised to publish the reports as this is in the remit of the regional parliament.
9. Given the improvements made in publication of the negative reports, the Register Committee could concur with the panel that the agency now complies with the standard. The Register Committee, nevertheless, highlighted the panel’s recommendation that the agency should raise the issue with the publication of the results of the reviews of universities for recognition with the regional authorities to ensure that these reports are made available to the public.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.7 Complaints and appeals – ACCUA – Compliance (2024) internal appeals system
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 27/11/2024 Standard 2.7 Complaints and appeals Keywords internal appeals system Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “10. In its last decision, the Register Committee raised concerns regarding the lack of an internal appeals system within the agency and as a result found the agency to be partially compliant with the standard.
11. The Register Committee noted that since the last review of ACCUA the agency has established a separate body within the agency responsible for appeals. Furthermore, the panel noted that the appeals procedure is clear, publicly available and ensures impartiality in decision-making by the Appeals Committee.
12. The Register Committee thus found that the agency has addressed the issues raised in the previous report and therefore can follow the panel’s conclusion of compliance.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
3.1 Activities, policy and processes for quality assurance – ACCUA – Compliance (2024) stakeholders invovlement
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 27/11/2024 Standard 3.1 Activities, policy and processes for quality assurance Keywords stakeholders invovlement Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “13. In its last decision, the Register Committee found the agency to be partially compliant due to the lack of stakeholders involvement on governance level and its lack of strategic planning.
14. The Register Committee learned from the panel’s analysis that the agency has addressed the issues raised in the previous review. The Committee noted that ACCUA has involved students and other stakeholder as members of the Governing Council of the agency. Furthermore, the Committee noted that ACCUA adopted an Initial Action Plan which is well-conceived to carry forwards the agency's mission and vision.
15. Following the improvements towards ESG compliance undertaken by the agency, the Register Committee was able to follow the panel’s conclusion that the agency complies with the standard.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
3.3 Independence – ACCUA – Partial compliance (2024) government,
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 27/11/2024 Standard 3.3 Independence Keywords government, Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “16. The Register Committee learned from the panel analysis that the representation of stakeholders in the Governing Council has improved compared to the previous review and that the share of Government appointees in this body has been lowered.
17. The Committee, however, also noted that the regional minister, whose portfolio the agency is situated in, is acting as the President of the agency, chairs the Governing Council and has a casting vote.
18. Furthermore, the Register Committee noted, as underlined by the panel, that the agency is dependent on the Regional Government’s approval for hiring both temporary and permanent staff, which limits the agency’s operational autonomy.
19. Considering the significant level of involvement of the regional government in the governing of the agency and the potential constraints over the staff management and the operational independence of the agency, the Register Committee could not follow the panel’s judgement and concluded that ACCUA complies partially with the standard.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
3.4 Thematic analysis – ACCUA – Compliance (2024) thematic report
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 27/11/2024 Standard 3.4 Thematic analysis Keywords thematic report Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “20. The Register Committee learned that ACCUA has created a statistical analysis unit and produced five thematic reports since the last external review. However, as noted by the panel, out of the five reports only one can be considered as a thematic analysis in the sense of the standard, since the other four reports provided useful inputs for policy debates with regional stakeholders and for improvements in quality assurance at universities.
21. The Register Committee finds, in line with its interpretation of the standard, that the thematic analysis report in question is sufficient for achieving compliance with the standard and therefore could not follow the panel’s judgement of partial compliance and concluded that ACCUA complies with ESG 3.4.
22. The Register Committee nevertheless underlined the panel’s recommendation that the agency should devise a clear plan for thematic studies and use its evaluation reports to produce these studies.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
3.6 Internal quality assurance and professional conduct – ACCUA – Partial compliance (2024) internal quality asssurnace system
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 27/11/2024 Standard 3.6 Internal quality assurance and professional conduct Keywords internal quality asssurnace system Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “23. In its last decision, the Register Committee found the agency to be partially compliant due to the lack of development and proper implementation of its internal quality assurance system.
24. The Register Committee understood, from the panel analysis, that the agency has made a significant progress, by introducing a number of internal mechanisms, reviewing policies, procedures and guides. The panel noted that, however, the agency does not yet have a full internal quality assurance system in place, but intends to work on this in the coming period.
25. While the Register Committee welcomed the progress made by the agency. The Committee noted that, however, a well-rounded internal quality assurance system that synchronises the newly introduced tools is yet to be set. Therefore, the Register Committee could not follow the panel’s judgement and found the agency to be partially compliant with the standard.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.1 Consideration of internal quality assurance – QQI – Compliance (2024) Internal quality assurance
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 2.1 Consideration of internal quality assurance Keywords Internal quality assurance Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “9. In its previous decision the Register Committee found the agency to be compliant with ESG 2.1. As per the
Policy on Targeted Reviews, ESG 2.1 shall always be part of the external review process. The Register Committee noted that all procedures share an underlying framework infrastructure for all of it external quality assurance activities that reflects well the standards of ESG Part 1.
10. The Committee therefore concurred with the panel’s conclusion that QQI continues to be compliant with ESG 2.1.
11. For the remaining standards, the Register Committee was able to concur with the review panel's analysis and conclusion without further comments.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.4 Peer-review experts – A3ES – Partial compliance (2024) Absence of student reviewers; Training of student reviewers
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 2.4 Peer-review experts Keywords Absence of student reviewers; Training of student reviewers Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “10. In its previous decision for renewal of registration on EQAR (of 2024-11-05), A3ES was found to be partially compliant with the standard due to the absence of student reviewers in panels in the New Study Programmes (NCE) procedures and overseas accreditations. The Register Committee noted from the panel analysis that the status quo has not changed.
11. Furthermore, the Committee understood that except for initial trainings, the agency does not organise systematic training for new or revised processes and that some reviewers, including students, have not received training in the past five years. Furthermore, the Committee understood that student reviewers receive only training for programme reviews, but not for institutional reviews.
12. Given the lack of students involvement in some procedures and the lack of systemic training for reviewers, the Register Committee concurred with the panel conclusion, and found that A3ES remains to be partially compliant with ESG 2.4.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – A3ES – Partial compliance (2024) Publication of negative reports and decisions
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords Publication of negative reports and decisions Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “13. The Register Committee learned from the analysis by the panel that A3ES does not publish negative reports and decisions on the assessment of new study programmes (NCE).
14. Given the lack of transparency by not publishing negative reports and decisions for all procedures the Register Committee concurred with the panel that A3ES only partially complies with ESG 2.6.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
3.4 Thematic analysis – A3ES – Partial compliance (2024) Inactivity in implementing thematic analyses
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 3.4 Thematic analysis Keywords Inactivity in implementing thematic analyses Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “15. The Register Committee understood from the analysis by the panel that the most recent thematic analysis published by the agency were done in 2017.Furthermore, the Committee, noted that “the agency confirmed to the panel that it does not currently have a systematic approach to conducting thematic analysis but confirmed its commitment to developing this.”
16. The Register Committee concurred with the panel that A3ES only partially complies with ESG 3.4. The Register Committee underlined the panel’s recommendation that the agency should resume conducting and publishing thematic analysis of the outcomes and findings of its external quality assurance activities.
17. For the remaining standards, the Register Committee was able to concur with the review panel's analysis and conclusion without further comments.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.5 Criteria for outcomes – CTI – Compliance (2024) Lack of clear deliberation rules
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 2.5 Criteria for outcomes Keywords Lack of clear deliberation rules Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “7. In its last decision for renewal of registration (of 2019-11-05), the Register Committee found that CTI only partially fulfilled the requirements of the standard as the consistency in their decision making was not always assured - the Committee noted a lack of clear deliberation rules detailing the basis upon which specific decisions were made.
8. The Register Committee noted that CTI has introduced a new tool for ensuring consistency in its decision making – a deliberation table, used for synthesizing the panel assessments. Furthermore, the Committee understood from the analysis of the panel that the deliberation tables ensure consistency in the decision making process and make the review process more transparent.
9. Following the recent developments regarding the introduction of the new tool and its impact on consistency of the outcomes of CTI, the Register Committee was able to concur with the panel's conclusion, and found that now the agency complies with the standard.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – CTI – Compliance (2024) Publication of full reports
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords Publication of full reports Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “10. In the previous decision for renewal of registration (of 2019-11-05), the Register Committee found CTI to be partially compliant with the standard as it only published summary of evaluation reports which lacked important details from the full reports.
11. From the external review report, the Register Committee learned that a new template, which includes the full report, was introduced. Furthermore the Committee understood from the analysis of the panel, since 2019, CTI started publishing in full all of its reports.
12. Having addressed the earlier concern regarding publication of full reports, the Register Committee concurred with the panel’s conclusion and found that the agency now complies with the standard. The Committee, however, underlined the panel’s recommendations that the agency ensures that the reports are more analytical, their clarity and soundness are improved as well as their visibility on the agency's website.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.3 Implementing processes – evalag – Partial compliance (2024) Follow-up
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 2.3 Implementing processes Keywords Follow-up Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “11. The Register Committee, noted in the analysis by the panel that evalag’s review procedures include a self-assessment report and an external assessment followed by expert’s report, but no follow-up activities, unless related to conditions/requirements established by evalag when taking the corresponding decision.
12. Given the concerns on the lack of consistent follow-up in all of evalag's procedures the Register Committee concurred with the panel that evalag complies only partially with the standard.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.4 Peer-review experts – evalag – Compliance (2024) Training of experts
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 2.4 Peer-review experts Keywords Training of experts Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “13. The Register Committee understood that the panels involve students and other stakeholders on equal bases. Furthermore, the Committee learned that despite the regular (online) trainings offered by the agency, very few people have enrolled for this online trainings.
14. The Register Committee therefore followed the panel’s conclusion that the agency continues to comply with the standard. The Committee, however, shared the panel’s view that the agency should find ways into making training opportunities more attractive for the reviewers to attend.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.7 Complaints and appeals – evalag – Compliance (2024) Definition of terms; Complaints; Appeals
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 2.7 Complaints and appeals Keywords Definition of terms; Complaints; Appeals Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “15. The Register Committee noted that the Complaints and Appeals Policy is detailed, covering the potential causes for a complaint or an appeal and it is easily accessible on the agency’s website. However, the Committee noted the panel’s concerns on the need to clarify the terms ‘complaints’ and ‘appeals’.
16. The Committee, therefore, followed the panel’s conclusion that the agency continues to comply with the standard. The Committee, however, shared the panel’s view that the agency should clarify what is meant by the terms ‘complaints’ and ‘appeals’ in all its documents, including the name of the ‘Complaints Commission’.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
3.1 Activities, policy and processes for quality assurance – evalag – Partial compliance (2024) Student involvement in governance
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 3.1 Activities, policy and processes for quality assurance Keywords Student involvement in governance Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “17. In its last decision for renewal of registration on EQAR (of 2019-11-05), evalag was found to be partially compliant with the standard as it had no clear overarching strategy, bringing together planning, budgeting and risk assessment. Furthermore, the main decision-making body, the Foundation Board, did not included a student member.
18. From the review report and the panel’s analysis the Register Committee noted that the main shortcomings identified in the previous decision were only minimally improved i.e., the statutory changes in order to involve student member in the Foundation Board, limits their involvement only in specific cases ( “If international standards in the field of study and teaching are dealt with, a student member may be called upon as a permanent or temporary, non-voting guest.”)
19. Furthermore, the Committee understood that evalag, at the time of the review, worked on a new overarching strategy bringing together planning, budgeting and risk assessment, however this strategy was to be approved only in July 2024.
20. Considering the minimal improvements made since the last decision, the Register Committee could not follow the panel’s judgement of compliance and found that evalag complies only partially with the standard.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
3.4 Thematic analysis – evalag – Partial compliance (2024) Inactivity in thematic analysis
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 3.4 Thematic analysis Keywords Inactivity in thematic analysis Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “21. The Register Committee understood by the panel’s analysis that the agency, since the last review, produced two publication named “Thematic analysis 2018 to mid-2021” and “Thematic Analysis mid 2021 to mid 2023”. However, as noted by the panel “these significantly digressed from the previous approach and in the eyes of the panel could not be taken as reports that describe and analyse the general findings of evalag’s external quality assurance activities as established by the standard. These reports give merely an overview of the most important projects, publications and events in the period under study, more like an annual report.”
22. The Register Committee, could concur with the panel analysis and underlined the panel’s recommendation that the agency should resume the work on thematic analysis, which was abandoned after 2018, particularly in light of the severe changes in the ‘German system’.
23. The Register Committee therefore concurred with the panel that evalag complies only partially with the standard.
24. For the remaining standards, the Register Committee was able to concur with the review panel's analysis and conclusion without further comments.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.7 Complaints and appeals – CYQAA – Partial compliance (2024) appeals procedure, appeals committee
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 04/04/2024 Standard 2.7 Complaints and appeals Keywords appeals procedure, appeals committee Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “7. In the decision on the for inclusion of CYQAA on the register (of 2019-11- 05), the Register Committee raised concerns regarding the shortcomings of the appeal procedure regarding the independence of the processes and the lack of clearly defined and formal complaints procedure.
8. From the external review report, the Register Committee learned that the Complains Policy is well established and higher education institutions have already used the possibility to submit a complaint (18 until the time of the external review).
9. The Register Committee further learned that CYQAA has revised its Appeals Procedure and now sets Advisory Committee of Experts (ACE) - groups of experts that examine and give opinion on the grounds for appeals to CYQAA’s Council. Despite the updated policy, the Council still holds the powers to make the final decision whether there are grounds for an appeal and can dismiss or uphold the appeal.
10. Furthermore, the Committee noted that the current Appeal Procedure is not entirely clear as it may suggest that an ACE is appointed for each appeal that is allowed for consideration by the Council, whereas in practice it is set only when the Council proposes to reject an appeal and needs advice from external experts.
11. The Register Committee welcomed (changes made related to the complaints procedure) and found the earlier concerns related to the complaints procedure addressed. The Committee, however, found that CYQAA is yet to demonstrate an independent functioning of the Appeals Procedure, where the final decision is not with CYQAA’s Council. Having in mind the shortcomings related to the Appeals Procedure, the Register Committee concurred with the panel conclusion that CYQAA only partially complies with ESG 2.7.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
3.1 Activities, policy and processes for quality assurance – CYQAA – Partial compliance (2024) strategic plan, stakeholder, stakeholders involvement
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 04/04/2024 Standard 3.1 Activities, policy and processes for quality assurance Keywords strategic plan, stakeholder, stakeholders involvement Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “12. The Register Committee noted the concerns raised by the panel that CYQAA’s Strategic Plan (2020-2025) is rather generic, with no specific
activities and clear timeframes. Furthermore, the Committee noted that the panel did not see any evidence of public, annual corporate or activity plan than operationalise the Strategic Plan.
13. The Register Committee understood by the panels analysis, that the agency involves representatives from both public and private universities, students and regulated professions. However, as underlined by the panel, the involvement of private higher education institutions and many public and private colleges and their students is very limited and CYQAA should further widen their engagement in its governance and evaluation processes.
14. Considering the lack of comprehensive and rather generic Strategic Plan and the shortcomings in the involvement of stakeholders from all
higher education institutions, public and private colleges, the Register Committee concurred with the panel and found that CYQAA only partially
complies with ESG 3.1.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
3.3 Independence – CYQAA – Partial compliance (2024) operational independence, methodologies
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 04/04/2024 Standard 3.3 Independence Keywords operational independence, methodologies Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “15. In the decision for inclusion of CYQAA on EQAR (of 2019-11-05), the Committee raised concerns regarding the shortcomings related to the operational independence of CYQAA and the close interlinkage between the agency and the responsible ministry.
16. Despite some progress being made by consultation with key stakeholders on the appointment of Council members and the Minister, the Register Committee noted that the Council members are still appointed by the Council of Ministers, upon recommendation by the Minister responsible for higher education.
17. The Register Committee took note of the panel’s concerns regarding the operational independence of the agency, The Committee understood that CYQAA cannot hire its own staff and is fully relying on secondments from the central Government and the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth.
18. The Register Committee further noted, as underlined by the panel, that despite being fully independent in defining its evaluation methodologies, CYQAA is still challenged by the limits set in the provisions of the national legislation regarding engaging stakeholders in the development of methodologies (see issue raised under ESG 2.2 in the external review report).
19. Following the panel’s analysis, the Register Committee expressed its concerns that the operational independence of CYQAA remains constrained by the close link and dependence on the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth regarding the appointment of the Council members, hiring of staff and engaging stakeholders in the development of methodologies. Therefore, the Register Committee concurred with the panel conclusion, and found that CYQAA remains to be partially compliant with ESG 3.3.”
Full decision: see agency register entry