Extraordinary Revision of Registration
EQAR may initiate an extraordinary revision of an agency’s registration before the 5-year period has elapsed if:
- The initial decision to admit an agency was substantially flawed, either by a substantial procedural error or by being based on false information or evidence.
- Substantive changes in the agency’s status or operation have led to a situation in which the agency no longer substantially complies with the ESG.
If the Register Committee initiates a revision of registration, the agency concerned will be notified and invited to make representation on the matters of concern before any decision is taken.
The Register Committee may take one of the following decisions:
- If there are substantial concerns about the agency’s compliance with the ESG, but it is not possible to judge clearly whether or not the agency still fulfils the criteria, the remaining period of inclusion on the Register may be reduced, thus triggering a need for an earlier external review. If the concerns reveal to be unsubstantiated or minor, the Register Committee may conclude the extraordinary review is not necessary.
- If the criteria for inclusion are no longer fulfilled (for example, due to a substantial change of the agency’s methodology that is in obvious contradiction with the ESG’s principles) the agency may be removed from the Register.
- If the criteria for inclusion were not fulfilled when the initial decision (to include the agency) was made, the inclusion may be declared “void ab initio”. That is, the agency is removed from the Register immediately and is deemed to have never been rightfully included.
- If the concerns reveal to be unsubstantiated or minor, the Register Committee may conclude the extraordinary revision with no further action.
The registered agency is invited to make representation before a final decision is made. The final decision is then communicated to the agency and published.