Former Entries on the Register

The quality assurance agencies listed on this page were included on the Register for a period of time in the past. Where appropriate, the reasons for the agency no longer being registered are included.

If no reasons are given, the inclusion of the agency has expired and the agency has not submitted an application for renewal of inclusion. In this case, the agency might have either decided not to inform EQAR about its reasons or requested EQAR not to publish them.

If you find that any particular entry is unclear or inaccurate, please contact us.

  • AKKORK - Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development
    Registered: 01/10/2014 to 31/10/2019
    The Register Committee has decided to reject the application of AKKORK for renewal of registration at its meeting in June 2020. AKKORK has appealed this decision. The ultimate decision will be published once the appeal is final.
    See AKKORK's former register entry
  • AQA - Austrian Agency for Quality Assurance
    Registered: 07/10/2009 to 30/11/2012
    The agency was merged into AQ Austria and no longer exists.
    See AQA's former register entry
  • EAPAA - European Association for Public Administration Accreditation
    Registered: 22/05/2014 to 31/10/2018
    EAPAA decided not to renew its registration on EQAR, therefore its registration ended on 31 October 2018.
    See EAPAA's former register entry
  • ECCE - European Council on Chiropractic Education
    Registered: 07/05/2013 to 31/12/2016
    ECCE re-applied for inclusion on EQAR in September 2021, but the application was rejected as the Register Committee was unable to conclude that ECCE substantially complies with the ESG. 
    See ECCE's former register entry
  • EQ-Arts - Enhancing Quality in the Arts
    Registered: 01/01/2021 to 30/09/2023
    EQ-Arts has withdrawn its application following an additional representation on 11/03/2024.
    See EQ-Arts's former register entry
  • EVA - Danish Evaluation Institute
    Registered: 14/05/2011 to 31/12/2014
    EVA did not renew its registration due to the fact that all functions regarding QA and accreditation in higher education have been moved to the Danish Accreditation Institution. EVA continues to conduct thematic evaluations and studies.
    See EVA's former register entry
  • HETAC - Higher Education and Training Awards Council
    Registered: 07/10/2009 to 30/09/2011
    HETAC decided that it would not be sensible to undertake a second external review of the agency to maintain its EQAR registration in 2011, as the agency was expecting to be amalgamated. Since 15 October 2012, HETAC’s functions have been taken over by the new Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). QQI has been registered on EQAR since June 2015.
    See HETAC's former register entry
  • IUQB - Irish Universities Quality Board
    Registered: 07/10/2009 to 30/09/2013
    The functions of IUQB have been transferred to Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) as from 15 October 2012. The primary purpose of establishing IUQB has thus ceased. QQI has been registered on EQAR since June 2015.
    See IUQB's former register entry
  • KAA - Kosovo Accreditation Agency
    Registered: 05/06/2015 to 25/09/2017
    Following an extraordinary revision of regsitration, the Register Committee concluded that KAA was no longer in compliance with ESG 3.3 and excluded the agency from the Register. The full reasoning is provided in the decision of the Register Committee "01/03/2018 Extraordinary Revision" on the archived register entry.
    See KAA's former register entry
  • NCPA - National Centre for Public Accreditation
    Registered: 01/06/2014 to 30/06/2024
    The Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) condemned the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine as fundamental violation of the values, principles and goals of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and of the obligations and commitments Russia has undertaken since it joined the EHEA in 2003. The BFUG therefore suspended the Russian Federation's representation in all structures and activities of the EHEA.As a result, NCPA currently does not fulfil the eligibility criterion for EQAR registration that the agency operates in the EHEA (§1.5 of EQAR Procedures for Applications) for as long as the suspension lasts. NCPA's registration is therefore suspended.
    See NCPA's former register entry
  • NEAQA - National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance
    Registered: 29/11/2014 to 31/12/2017
    Following a decision of the Serbian Government of February 2018, the National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance (NEAQA) succeeded CAQA. The agency applied for renewal of registration in March 2017, but the application was rejected as the Register Committee was unable to conclude that the agency substantially complies with the ESG.
    See NEAQA's former register entry
  • QANU - Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities
    Registered: 01/05/2011 to 31/12/2021
    QANU ceased all its activities and closed down on 31/12/2021.
    See QANU's former register entry
  • VLHORA - Flemish Council of University Colleges
    Registered: 10/04/2009 to 06/05/2013
    VLHORA (together with VLIR) merged into the Quality Assurance Unit of the Flemish Council of Universities and University Colleges (VLUHR QAU), which was awarded provisional registration under the EQAR Merger Policy – see VLUHR QAU register entry.
    See VLHORA's former register entry
  • VLIR - Flemish Interuniversity Council – Quality Assurance Unit
    Registered: 07/10/2009 to 06/05/2013
    VLIR (together with VLHORA) merged into the Quality Assurance Unit of the Flemish Council of Universities and University Colleges (VLUHR QAU), which was awarded provisional registration under the EQAR Merger Policy – see VLUHR QAU register entry.
    See VLIR's former register entry