CAAAE - Central Asian Association for Accreditation of Education

Kazakhstan Association of Modern (Elite) Education

Казахстанская Ассоциация Современного (Элитного) Образования KAZSEE

Центрально-Азиатская Ассоциация по аккредитации образования

  • Substantial compliance with the ESG

Information on the agency's work

Associations of legal entities "Kazakhstan Association of Modern (Elite) Education KAZSEE" (hereinafter "KAZSEE") is a public non-profit organization in the form of an association of legal entities. KAZSEE was established in 2007 as an independent public and professional structure affiliated with the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE).

Mission of KAZSEE:
* Promoting the improvement of the activities of educational institutions,
* Increasing competitiveness at the national and international levels, through the provision of educational services, technology transfer, public relations, trade unions and integration into the international educational space.

KAZSEE conducts institutional and program accreditation of higher education institutions in Kazakhstan and abroad, organizes training seminars, round tables and conferences on quality assurance in higher education.

Activities within the scope of ESG

  • Awarding EUR-ACE Label to educational programs
  • Institutional accreditation in Kazakhstan
  • Program accreditation in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

Higher education systems where CAAAE carried out external QA activities

Contact details