ANVUR - National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes
Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca
- Substantial compliance with the ESG
Registration valid until31/05/2029 (listed since 01/05/2024)
EQAR registration decisions and reports on the agency
Information on the agency's work
ANVUR, an ENQA affiliate since 2013, is an independent public body which oversees the quality assessment system of public and private universities. The Agency has developed its assessment criteria and procedures, based on the ESG adopted in the EHEA, as established by law 240/2010 and Decrees 19/2012 & 987/2016. The QA system, operational since 2013, provides for the selfâassessment by programmes and institutions, and an external assessment by ANVUR, based on site visits and document analysis.
Activities within the scope of ESG
Initial accreditation of decentralized branches of AFAM institutions and their proposed study programmes
Initial accreditation of new AFAM study programmes
Initial accreditation of new PhD programmes
Initial accreditation of new private AFAM institutions and their proposed study programmes;
Initial accreditation of new Schools of Advanced Studies and their proposed PhD programmes;
Initial accreditation of new Universities and their proposed study programmes
Initial accreditation of new University study programmes (including those offered in decentralized branches);
Periodic assessment of AFAM institutions and their study programmes
Periodic assessment of Universities and their study programmes (including PhD programmes)
Higher education systems where ANVUR carried out external QA activities
Contact details
Via Ippolito Nievo 35
00153 Roma -
Contact PersonDaniele Livon