European Digital Credentials for Learning

European Digital Credentials for Learning are a recently launched EU standard for issuing education credentials (e.g. diplomas, transcripts of records, etc.). DEQAR data can be automatically loaded into the Accreditation Database that underpins the built-in verification for official qualifications.

European Digital Credentials for Learning are designed in a tamper-proof digital format with authentication and verification checks built in. The standard was developed by the European Union (EU). The Europass Qualifications Dataset Register (QDR) underpins and feeds the Accreditation Database against which European Digital Credentials are verified.

EQAR manages the pan-European Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR) of more than 90 000 external quality assurance reports (i.e. accreditations and evaluations) on nearly 4000 HEIs, based mainly in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The database includes reports aligned with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (ESG) and is being constantly updated by the EQAR-registered agencies.

After some interface adaptations and improvements were implemented on both sides, it is expected that the European Commission will soon activate the feature with the opportunity to add a DEQAR weblink. DEQAR data are automatically uploaded and fed into the Accreditation Database against which European Digital Credentials are verified. This facilitates the issuance of digital credentials for all higher education institutions with institutional accreditation in DEQAR. DEQAR data enable higher education institutions to clear the accreditation status without the need for additional data export or software development at national level.