Report summary
The College of Accounting and Finance is the only higher education institution in Slovenia
that specializes in the interdisciplinary study of Forensic Investigations in Finance and
Accounting at the master's level. As a part-time study program, they also carry out the
higher education study program Accountant / Accounting and Finance and two advanced
training programs: Certified Management Accountant and Fraud Investigator in the field of
finance and accounting. In the report, the group of experts pointed out a number of
advantages, as well as many opportunities for improvement, and we also highlighted a
number of areas of partial compliance with the standards, as well as five major deficiencies
or inconsistencies related to the documented scientific research activities of higher
education associates (conducted primarily by their home institutions rather than under the
affiliation of VŠR), inadequate access to lecture halls, failure to provide appropriate
adaptation for students with various forms of disabilities, not informing the SQAA about all
changes in the compulsory components of the undergraduate study program "Accounting
and Finance" after 2017, and the inadequacy of the number of contact hours in the
undergraduate study program, which does not comply with the legal minimum set out in
paragraph 2 of Article 37 of the ZVis. Regarding the partial fulfilment of the standards, we
refer to the problem in assessing the implementation of strategic plans and the
improvement in the achievement of objectives since the last accreditation of the institution,
or the relationship between the set objectives and the actual development of higher
education institutions based on the materials received. The expert group found that the
self-evaluation report lacks an overview of the developments since the last evaluation as
well as an indication of strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement (SWOT
analysis) and a more intensive involvement of all important stakeholders in the preparation
of the self-evaluation report. VŠR also does not prepare separate self-evaluations of the
study programs. We also believe that VŠR currently does not have a closed quality circle,
which is why self-evaluation does not have the desired effect. The criteria for elections to
the titles of higher education teachers, researchers and staff at VŠR are also not coherent
(with the last two laws on amendments). Among the advantages, the practical orientation
of the study programs and the students' satisfaction with the individual attention and
support from professional services should be highlighted.