Report summary
Self-evaluation takes place annually and is presented in self-evaluation reports. The
reports are written on a uniform form and are quite formal. According to reports and
interviews, we note that the program is updated annually, as all proposed changes should
be implemented. AII stakeholders should be involved in the evaluation, except for
possible foreign experts. The program underwent major changes from 2016 to 2018
when it adapted to the uniform system of the UM doctoral school. Forms and methods of
work are adapted to the number of students. An individual approach is emphasized. The
application of the program to other forms of work ls appropriate according to the forms
provided by the curricula (lectures, seminars, etc.). Providers and students confirm the
correct implementation of all intended forms of study. Interviews with students and
teachers show a high level of responsibility and a desire to achieve high standards
despite individual adjustments.
Students and teachers report on the realization of the planned scope of individual work in
the annual report to the vice-dean. One of the exposed forms of work is monthly or
bimonthly meetings or seminars, where students present their toplcs and point out
problems and difficulties they have encountered in their research work. Qualitative
analysis is used to assess study loads, and the results show that it is adequate. The
average duration of study is 5 to 6 years, which is considered suitable by the providers.
Since, mainly due to the small number of students, it is a specific study program where
standard forms of quality assessment (e.g., anonymous surveys) are questionable, it is
also difficult for the committee to judge whether the circle of quality has been fulfilled.
Based on the reports and after the interviews, we conclude that the program is
constantly being adapted and refined, albeit informally and spontaneously in direct
contact between various stakeholders. The Commission advises the use of different
documentation when compiling evaluation reports, ongoing documentation of proposals,
and the appropriate form of annual evaluation for a specific program.
Accessibility to ali forms of study materials, research instruments, and other aids is
highly rated. The involvement of students in research projects is facilitated and
encouraged. Students are kept informed on the fly and through various communication
channels. The adequacy and competence of personnel are defined by law, by the interna!
rules of the faculty, and the conditions set by the UM doctoral school, which also sets the
conditions for mentoring.