Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
20/02/2025 uploaded 14/03/2025 changed 14/03/2025PKA Joint programme accreditationComplutense University of Madrid, Free University of Berlin, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, KU Leuven, Pantheon-Sorbonne University, The University of Edinburgh, University of Helsinki, University of Zurich - Joint Bachelor in Sustainability (first cycle degree)Spain, United Kingdom (Scotland), Belgium (Flemish Community), France, Switzerland, Poland, Finland, Germany
06/03/2025 - 06/03/2031 uploaded 13/03/2025 changed 13/03/2025ACPUA Institutional Follow-up Accreditation (Institutional Accreditation Renewal)Technological CollegeSpain
06/02/2025 - 10/03/2030 uploaded 12/03/2025 changed 12/03/2025ARACIS Programme accreditation and awarding of EUR-ACE Label (first cycle)National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" - Energy Management and Energy Efficient Technologies (EUR-ACE label) (first cycle degree, 240 ECTS)Ukraine
06/02/2025 - 10/03/2030 uploaded 12/03/2025 changed 12/03/2025ARACIS Programme accreditation and awarding of EUR-ACE Label (first cycle)National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" - Electromechanical Automation System, Electrical Drive and Electromobility (EUR-ACE label) (first cycle degree, 240 ECTS)Ukraine
06/02/2025 - 10/03/2030 uploaded 12/03/2025 changed 12/03/2025ARACIS Programme accreditation and awarding of EUR-ACE Label (first cycle)National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" - Automation Hardware and Software (EUR-ACE label) (first cycle degree, 240 ECTS)Ukraine
12/07/2023 - 31/07/2031 uploaded 10/03/2025 changed 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Institutions of Higher Education offering Continual Professional Development within the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUlm UniversityGermany
12/07/2023 - 31/07/2031 uploaded 10/03/2025 changed 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Continual Professional Development Offers of Higher Education Institutions with-in the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUniversity of Freiburg - Musikermedizin (short cycle micro-credential, 10 ECTS)Germany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Continual Professional Development Offers of Higher Education Institutions with-in the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUniversity of Freiburg - Medizinethik (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 10 ECTS), Wirtschaftsethik (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 10 ECTS)Germany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025 changed 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Continual Professional Development Offers of Higher Education Institutions with-in the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUniversity of Freiburg - Health Care Management (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 18 ECTS)Germany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Continual Professional Development Offers of Higher Education Institutions with-in the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUniversity of Freiburg - Integrated Land Use Systems (short cycle micro-credential, 5 ECTS), Carbon Forestry (short cycle micro-credential, 5 ECTS)Germany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025 changed 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Continual Professional Development Offers of Higher Education Institutions with-in the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUniversity of Freiburg - Grundlagen: Algorithmik und Wahrscheinlichkeit (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 12 ECTS), Eingebettete Mikrosysteme: Bauelemente und Vernetzung (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 12 ECTS), Maschinelles Lernen für eingebettete Systeme (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 12 ECTS)Germany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025 changed 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Continual Professional Development Offers of Higher Education Institutions with-in the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUniversity of Freiburg - Solar Energy and Global Energy Needs (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 11 ECTS), Solar Cells and PV Systems (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 12 ECTS), Solar Thermal Energy Technology (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 15 ECTS), Solar Energy Integration into the Power Grid (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 15 ECTS), Advanced Solar Cells Technologies (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 15 ECTS), Crystalline Silicone Photovoltaics (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 12 ECTS), Photovoltaic Power Plants (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 15 ECTS)Germany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Continual Professional Development Offers of Higher Education Institutions with-in the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUniversity of Freiburg - Research Concepts and Methods (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 16 ECTS), Migration, Violence and Mental Health among the Urban Poor (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 10 ECTS), Communicable Diseases (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 10 ECTS), Environmental Management and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (CAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 10 ECTS)Germany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025 changed 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Continual Professional Development Offers of Higher Education Institutions with-in the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – normal procedureUniversity of Applied Sciences - Public Administration and Finance Ludwigsburg - Expertenwissen Besteuerung der öffentlichen Hand (DAS) (short cycle micro-credential, 30 ECTS)Germany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2025 uploaded 10/03/2025 changed 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Institutions of Higher Education offering Continual Professional Development within the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUniversity of Education WeingartenGermany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Institutions of Higher Education offering Continual Professional Development within the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – normal procedureHeilbronn University of Applied SciencesGermany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Institutions of Higher Education offering Continual Professional Development within the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUniversity of Education LudwigsburgGermany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025 changed 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Institutions of Higher Education offering Continual Professional Development within the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUniversity of StuttgartGermany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025 changed 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Institutions of Higher Education offering Continual Professional Development within the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureStuttgart Media UniversityGermany
03/12/2024 - 31/12/2032 uploaded 10/03/2025EVALAG Certification for Institutions of Higher Education offering Continual Professional Development within the framework of Hochschulweiterbildung@BW (only for HEIs in Baden-Württemberg) – shorten procedureUniversity of Education HeidelbergGermany