Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
20/02/2025 - 30/09/2031 uploaded 14/03/2025 changed 14/03/2025PKA Joint programme accreditationComplutense University of Madrid, Free University of Berlin, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, KU Leuven, Pantheon-Sorbonne University, The University of Edinburgh, University of Helsinki, University of Zurich - Joint Bachelor in Sustainability (first cycle degree)Spain, United Kingdom (Scotland), Belgium (Flemish Community), France, Switzerland, Poland, Finland, Germany
31/01/2024 - 30/01/2029 uploaded 14/03/2025QAA International Quality ReviewKuwait International Law SchoolKuwait
02/10/2023 - 01/10/2028 uploaded 14/03/2025 changed 14/03/2025QAA International Quality ReviewAmerican University of the Middle EastKuwait
02/10/2023 - 01/10/2028 uploaded 14/03/2025 changed 14/03/2025QAA International Quality ReviewThe Maldives National UniversityMaldives
02/10/2023 - 01/10/2028 uploaded 14/03/2025 changed 14/03/2025QAA International Quality ReviewShanghai Normal UniversityChina, People's Republic of
19/06/2023 uploaded 14/03/2025 changed 14/03/2025QAA International Quality ReviewAmity UniversityIndia
27/03/2023 uploaded 14/03/2025 changed 14/03/2025QAA International Quality ReviewThe University of FijiFiji