Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesRussian Gnesins' Academy of Music - Musicology (first cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesRussian Gnesins' Academy of Music - Music pedagogy (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesRussian Gnesins' Academy of Music - Music journalism and editorial activity in mass media (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesRussian Gnesins' Academy of Music - Computer music and arrangement (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesRussian Gnesins' Academy of Music - Ethnomusicology (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesRussian Gnesins' Academy of Music - Musicology (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesRussian Gnesins' Academy of Music - Art direction of academic choir (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesRussian Gnesins' Academy of Music - Music sound direction (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesRussian Gnesins' Academy of Music - Musicology (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesLobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - Social Theory and Applied Social Knowledge (first cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesLobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - Family Sociology and Demography (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesLobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - Sociology of Management (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesLobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - Economic Sociology (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesLobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - Sociology of Culture and Youth Studies (second cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesLobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes (third cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesLobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - Sociology of Management (third cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesLobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - Economic Sociology and Demography (third cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesLobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - Sociology of Culture (third cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019 changed 04/07/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesLobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - Biomedicine (first cycle degree)Russia
30/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 05/02/2019 changed 04/07/2019NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesLobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - Biomedicine (second cycle degree)Russia