Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesMinin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University - Physical education (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesMinin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University - Biology and Chemistry (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesMinin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University - Geography and Biology (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesMinin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University - History and Social Studies (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesMinin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University - Math and Computer science (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesMinin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University - Math and Physics (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesMinin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University - Russian language and Literature (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesMinin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University - Technology and Economics (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesMinin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University - Physical education and Life safety (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesUral State University of Architecture and Art - Architectural Design (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesUral State University of Architecture and Art - Architecture of Buildings and Structures (second cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesUral State University of Architecture and Art - Architecture of Urban Industrial Infrastructure Objects (second cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesUral State University of Architecture and Art - Architectural Landscape Design (second cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesUral State University of Architecture and Art - Settlement Architectural and Spatial Planning (second cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesUral State University of Architecture and Art - Architectural Design, Restoration and Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage (second cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesUral State University of Architecture and Art - Theory and History of Architecture (second cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesUral State University of Architecture and Art - Urban Planning (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesUral State University of Architecture and Art - Animation and Computer Graphics Artist (second cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesUral State University of Architecture and Art - Ceramics Art (first cycle degree)Russia
04/02/2022 - 04/02/2028 uploaded 10/02/2022 changed 10/02/2022NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesUral State University of Architecture and Art - Metal Art (first cycle degree)Russia