Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Biology (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Foreign language: two foreign languages (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Informatics (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Mathematics (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Mathematics (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Accounting and Auditing (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Economy (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Kazakh language and literature (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Economy (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Kazakh language and literature (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Initial military training (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
22/06/2024 - 21/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationTaraz University of Innovation and Humanities - Physical Culture and Sports (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
21/06/2024 uploaded 18/09/2024 changed 18/09/2024AAQ Evaluations in SwitzerlandUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland - BSc HES-SO Ingénierie des sciences du vivant (first cycle degree)Switzerland
21/06/2024 uploaded 18/09/2024 changed 18/09/2024AAQ Evaluations in SwitzerlandUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland - BSc HES-SO en Ingénierie des médias (first cycle degree)Switzerland
21/06/2024 - 20/06/2029 uploaded 05/12/2024 changed 05/12/2024IAAR Cross-Border Accreditation of Basic Medical and Pharmaceutical EducationUrals State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation - General Medicine (second cycle degree)Russia
21/06/2024 - 20/06/2029 uploaded 05/12/2024 changed 05/12/2024IAAR Cross-Border Accreditation of Basic Medical and Pharmaceutical EducationUrals State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation - Pediatrics (second cycle degree)Russia
21/06/2024 - 20/06/2029 uploaded 05/12/2024 changed 05/12/2024IAAR Cross-Border Accreditation of Basic Medical and Pharmaceutical EducationUrals State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation - Dentistry (second cycle degree)Russia
21/06/2024 - 20/06/2029 uploaded 05/12/2024 changed 05/12/2024IAAR Cross-Border Accreditation of Basic Medical and Pharmaceutical EducationUrals State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation - Anesthesiology-reanimatology (second cycle degree)Russia
21/06/2024 - 20/06/2029 uploaded 05/12/2024 changed 05/12/2024IAAR Cross-Border Accreditation of Basic Medical and Pharmaceutical EducationUrals State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation - Pediatrics (second cycle degree)Russia
21/06/2024 - 20/06/2029 uploaded 05/12/2024 changed 05/12/2024IAAR Cross-Border Accreditation of Basic Medical and Pharmaceutical EducationUrals State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation - Orthopedic dentistry (second cycle degree)Russia