Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
01/09/2024 - 31/08/2029 uploaded 30/03/2023 changed 30/03/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsKodolányi János University - Master of Arts in Translation and Interpreting (degree)Hungary
29/08/2024 uploaded 09/01/2025 changed 09/01/2025HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsUniversity of French GuianaFrance
26/08/2024 - 30/09/2030 uploaded 26/11/2024 changed 26/11/2024AQAS Programme accreditation internationalKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology - Transport Systems (second cycle degree), Transport Systems (third cycle degree), Transport Leadership (second cycle degree)Ghana
26/08/2024 - 30/09/2030 uploaded 26/11/2024 changed 26/11/2024AQAS Programme accreditation internationalUniversity of Development Studies - Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (third cycle degree)Ghana
25/07/2024 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 21/10/2024 changed 21/10/2024AHPGS Programme accreditation outside GermanyTishk International University - Pharmacy (degree)Iraq
25/07/2024 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 21/10/2024AHPGS Programme accreditation outside GermanyTishk International University - Dentistry (degree)Iraq
22/07/2024 uploaded 09/01/2025 changed 09/01/2025HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole supérieure d'informatique, électronique, automatiqueFrance
17/07/2024 uploaded 09/01/2025 changed 09/01/2025HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsNeoma business schoolFrance
16/07/2024 - 16/07/2030 uploaded 07/08/2024 changed 07/08/2024MusiQuE Programme accreditationP.A.R.T.S. - BA Training (degree), MA STUDIOS (degree)Belgium (Flemish Community)
16/07/2024 uploaded 09/01/2025 changed 09/01/2025HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole du LouvreFrance
16/07/2024 uploaded 09/01/2025 changed 09/01/2025HCERES Evaluation of programmes and degreesÉcole du Louvre - Rapport d'évaluation du bilan de la formation du 2e cycle de l'École du Louvre (second cycle degree)France
15/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole nationale supérieure des métiers de l'image et du sonFrance
15/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole nationale supérieure de création industrielleFrance
15/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole nationale supérieure des beaux-artsFrance
15/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsConservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de ParisFrance
15/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole nationale supérieure des arts décoratifsFrance
13/07/2024 - 12/07/2029 uploaded 19/07/2024 changed 19/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationYessenov University - Biology (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
13/07/2024 - 12/07/2029 uploaded 19/07/2024 changed 19/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationYessenov University - Chemistry (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
13/07/2024 - 12/07/2029 uploaded 19/07/2024 changed 19/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationYessenov University - Chemistry-Biology (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
13/07/2024 - 12/07/2029 uploaded 19/07/2024 changed 19/07/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationYessenov University - Teaching English to the Speakers of Other Languages (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan