Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesSamara State Medical University - General Medicine (second cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesSamara State Medical University - Pediatrics (second cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - Chemistry (first cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - Chemistry (second cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - Social Work (first cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - Social Work (second cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - Organization of work with youth (second cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - Geography (first cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - Geography (second cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2020 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - State and Municipal Management (first cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2020 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - State and Municipal Management (second cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2020 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - Business Informatics (first cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2020 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - Business Informatics (second cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2020 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesNorth-Caucasus Federal University - Customs Affairs (second cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesI. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University - Economics (first cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesI. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University - Economics (second cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesI. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University - Management (first cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesI. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University - Management (second cycle degree)Russia
21/01/2016 - 21/01/2022 uploaded 17/07/2018 changed 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesI. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University - Finance and Credit (second cycle degree)Russia
26/01/2017 - 26/01/2023 uploaded 17/07/2018NCPA Accreditation of educational programmesFar Eastern Federal University - Construction (first cycle degree)Russia