Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 10/05/2018 changed 11/06/2018ARACIS Institutional evaluation"Dunarea de Jos" University of GalatiItaly, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Mecatronics (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Welding Engineering (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Machine Building Technology (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Power electronics and electric drives (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Didactic Orthodox Theology (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Physical and Sports Education (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Public administration (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Thermal systems and equipment (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Performing Arts (Acting) (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Applied Electromechanics (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Philosophy (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Food Engineering (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Engineering of biotechnical and ecological systems (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Science of materials (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
19/12/2013 - 19/12/2018 uploaded 15/05/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Banking and Finance (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
27/08/2013 - 27/08/2019 uploaded 16/05/2018FINEEC Institutional quality auditsUniversity of GrazAustria
21/04/2016 - 21/04/2017 uploaded 05/06/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Sacred Art (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
27/07/2017 - 27/07/2022 uploaded 05/06/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Biotechnologies for the food industry (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
30/06/2016 - 30/06/2021 uploaded 05/06/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Mechanical Engineering (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania