Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
25/01/2018 - 25/01/2023 uploaded 18/09/2018 changed 18/09/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - Medicine (Enna-Italy) (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
25/01/2018 - 25/01/2023 uploaded 18/09/2018 changed 18/09/2018ARACIS Programme authorisation/accreditation (First Cycle, Second Cycle)"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati - General Medical Attendance (General Nursing) (first cycle degree)Italy, Moldova, Romania
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsUniversity of European Political and Economic studies "Constantin Stere" - Business Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsAcademia de „Administrare Publică de pe lîngă Președintele Republicii Moldova” - Constitutional and Administrative Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsFree International University of Moldova - International and Institutional Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsInstitute of International Relations of Moldova - International Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groups"Alecu Russo" State University of Balti - Business Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groups"Alecu Russo" State University of Balti - Criminal Sciences and Criminology (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsCooperative-Commercial University of Moldova - Public Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsMoldova State University - Labor Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsMoldova State University - Civil Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsMoldova State University - Business Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsMoldova State University - Customs Law and Customs Activity (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsMoldova State University - Civil Judicial Procedures (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsMoldova State University - International Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsMoldova State University - Public Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsMoldova State University - Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2018 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsMoldova State University - Criminal Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsAgrarian State University of Moldova - Patrimonial Law (second cycle degree)Moldova
12/10/2015 - 12/10/2020 uploaded 13/09/2018HAKA Assessment of study programme groupsTechnical University of Moldova - Property Law (second cycle degree)Moldova