Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
12/09/2024 - 30/09/2030 uploaded 01/03/2025 changed 01/03/2025ACQUIN Programme accreditation abroadTechnical University of Munich - Chemical Engineering (Hons) (first cycle degree)India, Germany, Singapore, United States, Brazil, Egypt, China, People's Republic of
12/09/2024 - 30/09/2030 uploaded 01/03/2025 changed 01/03/2025ACQUIN Programme accreditation abroadTechnical University of Munich - Electronics and Data Engineering (Hons) (first cycle degree)India, Germany, Singapore, United States, Brazil, Egypt, China, People's Republic of
27/11/2024 - 26/11/2029 uploaded 12/02/2025FIBAA Certification of continuing education coursesCoursera - IBM Project Manager (other micro-credential, 4 ECTS)United States
27/11/2024 - 26/11/2029 uploaded 12/02/2025 changed 12/02/2025FIBAA Certification of continuing education coursesCoursera - IBM Product Manager (other micro-credential, 4 ECTS)United States
27/11/2024 - 26/11/2029 uploaded 12/02/2025 changed 12/02/2025FIBAA Certification of continuing education coursesCoursera - IBM IT Project Manager (other micro-credential, 6 ECTS)United States
26/11/2024 - 27/11/2029 uploaded 12/02/2025FIBAA Certification of continuing education coursesCoursera - IBM Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst (other micro-credential, 6 ECTS)United States
27/11/2024 - 26/11/2029 uploaded 12/02/2025 changed 12/02/2025FIBAA Certification of continuing education coursesCoursera - IBM and ISC2 Cybersecurity Specialist (other micro-credential, 5 ECTS)United States
27/11/2024 - 26/11/2029 uploaded 12/02/2025 changed 12/02/2025FIBAA Certification of continuing education coursesCoursera - IBM IT Support (other micro-credential, 4 ECTS)United States
27/11/2024 - 29/11/2029 uploaded 12/02/2025 changed 12/02/2025FIBAA Certification of continuing education coursesCoursera - IBM DevOps and Software Engineering (first cycle micro-credential, 8 ECTS)United States
16/05/2024 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 03/03/2025NVAO European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesAix-Marseille University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Lusófona University, Pompeu Fabra University, University of Arizona, University of Haifa, University of Hamburg, University of Kent, Warsaw School of Economics - European Master in Law and Economics (second cycle degree, 60 ECTS)Spain, Israel, Poland, Portugal, France, Germany, United States, Belgium (Flemish Community), Netherlands
07/05/2019 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 03/03/2025NVAO European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesAix-Marseille University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Lusófona University, Pompeu Fabra University, University of Arizona, University of Haifa, University of Hamburg, University of Kent, Warsaw School of Economics - European Master in Law and Economics (second cycle degree, 60 ECTS)Spain, Israel, Poland, Portugal, France, Germany, United States, Belgium (Flemish Community), Netherlands
16/07/2013 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 03/03/2025NVAO European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesAix-Marseille University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Lusófona University, Pompeu Fabra University, University of Arizona, University of Haifa, University of Hamburg, University of Kent, Warsaw School of Economics - European Master in Law and Economics (second cycle degree, 60 ECTS)Spain, Israel, Poland, Portugal, France, Germany, United States, Belgium (Flemish Community), Netherlands
15/03/2018 - 14/03/2024 uploaded 16/01/2024 changed 16/01/2024QAA Higher Education Review (Alternative Providers)Richmond, The American International University in LondonItaly, United States, United Kingdom (England)
24/09/2021 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 19/11/2023 changed 19/11/2023EVALAG Programme accreditation in GermanySchiller International University - Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy (first cycle degree), MA International Relations and Diplomacy (second cycle degree)Spain, Germany, France, United States
24/09/2021 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 19/11/2023 changed 19/11/2023EVALAG Programme accreditation in GermanySchiller International University - Bachelor of Science in International Business (first cycle degree), Bachelor of Arts in International Economics (first cycle degree), Bachelor of Science Digital Business (first cycle degree), MBA Business Administration (second cycle degree), MBA International Business (second cycle degree), MBA Management of Information Technology (second cycle degree), MIM International Management (second cycle degree)Spain, Germany, France, United States
10/10/2023 - 09/10/2029 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyTechnical University of Munich - Cartography (second cycle degree)Egypt, Brazil, Germany, China, People's Republic of, Singapore, United States, India
18/06/2021 - 30/09/2026 uploaded 14/08/2023 changed 21/11/2023ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationTechnical University of Munich - Cartography (second cycle degree)Egypt, Brazil, Germany, China, People's Republic of, Singapore, United States, India
17/05/2018 - 16/05/2024 uploaded 10/08/2023 changed 10/08/2023QAA Degree Awarding Powers (DAP) scrutiny (England)Richmond, The American International University in LondonItaly, United States, United Kingdom (England)
29/06/2020 - 30/09/2021 uploaded 02/03/2023 changed 02/03/2023AQ Austria Notification of foreign degree programmes in AustriaFresenius University Applied Sciences - Physiotherapie (first cycle degree)Austria, United States, Germany
29/09/2020 - 30/09/2025 uploaded 27/02/2023 changed 27/02/2023ACQUIN Programme accreditation abroadTechnical University of Munich - Aerospace Engineering (second cycle degree)Egypt, Brazil, Germany, China, People's Republic of, Singapore, United States, India