Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
31/03/2017 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands
03/09/2016 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands
31/03/2020 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Physics and Astronomy (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands
31/12/2014 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Physics and Astronomy (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands
01/09/2020 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Computational Science (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands
31/07/2014 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Computational Science (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands
01/09/2020 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Computer Science (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands
31/07/2014 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Computer Science (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands
15/07/2019 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Chemistry (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands
06/06/2013 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Chemistry (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands
01/10/2019 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Entrepreneurship (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 60 ECTS)Netherlands
11/12/2013 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - M Entrepreneurship (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 60 ECTS)Netherlands
31/03/2020 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - B Natuur- en Sterrenkunde (joint degree) (first cycle degree, 180 ECTS)Netherlands
31/12/2014 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - B Natuur- en Sterrenkunde (joint degree) (first cycle degree, 180 ECTS)Netherlands
15/07/2019 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - B Scheikunde (joint degree) (first cycle degree, 180 ECTS)Netherlands
25/04/2013 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - B Scheikunde (joint degree) (first cycle degree, 180 ECTS)Netherlands
15/07/2019 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - B Liberal Arts and Sciences (joint degree) (first cycle degree, 180 ECTS)Netherlands
27/01/2014 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO Accreditation of joint programmesUniversity of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam - B Liberal Arts and Sciences (joint degree) (first cycle degree, 180 ECTS)Netherlands
04/09/2024 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesLeuphana University of Lüneburg, Maastricht University, University of Valencia - M International Joint Master of Research in Work and Organizational Psychology (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands, Spain, Germany
31/01/2019 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 24/10/2024NVAO European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesLeuphana University of Lüneburg, Maastricht University, University of Valencia - M International Joint Master of Research in Work and Organizational Psychology (joint degree) (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Netherlands, Spain, Germany