Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
24/04/2020 - 24/04/2025 uploaded 28/10/2021 changed 28/10/2021MAB Accreditation of institutions in five-year cyclesUniversity of MiskolcHungary
29/01/2021 - 29/01/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesSemmelweis University - Mentális egészségtudományok Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/03/2021 - 26/03/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesSemmelweis University - Gyógyszertudományok Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/02/2021 - 26/02/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesPázmány Péter Catholic University - Roska Tamás Műszaki és Természettudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
29/01/2021 - 29/01/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesPázmány Péter Catholic University - Irodalomtudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
23/04/2021 - 03/04/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesUniversity of Pannonia - Informatikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
25/06/2021 - 25/06/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesMoholy-Nagy University of Art and Design - Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
29/01/2021 - 29/01/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesEszterházy Károly Catholic University - Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/02/2021 - 26/02/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesEötvös Loránd University - Szociológia Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/03/2021 - 26/03/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesEötvös Loránd University - Környezettudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/03/2021 - 26/03/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesEötvös Loránd University - Informatika Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
29/01/2021 - 29/01/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesEötvös Loránd University - Hevesy György Kémia Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/03/2021 - 26/03/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesEötvös Loránd University - Biológia Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
25/06/2021 - 25/06/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesUniversity of Debrecen - Ihrig Károly Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományok Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/03/2021 - 26/03/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesBudapest University of Technology and Economics - Fizikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
23/04/2021 - 03/04/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesBudapest University of Technology and Economics - ÉpÃtÅ‘művészeti Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
28/05/2021 - 28/05/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesBudapest University of Technology and Economics - Villamosmérnöki Tudományok Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
28/05/2021 - 28/05/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesBudapest University of Technology and Economics - Informatikai Tudományok DoktoriIskola (degree)Hungary
25/06/2021 - 25/06/2026 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesBudapest University of Technology and Economics - Pszichológia Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/03/2021 - 26/03/2024 uploaded 01/07/2021 changed 01/07/2021MAB Accreditation of institutions in five-year cyclesBudapest Business School – University of Applied SciencesHungary