Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
25/03/2022 - 25/03/2027 uploaded 17/05/2022 changed 17/05/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesUniversity of Szeged - Gyógyszertudományok Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
25/03/2022 - 25/03/2027 uploaded 17/05/2022 changed 17/05/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesSzéchenyi István University - Állam- és Jogtudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
25/03/2022 - 25/03/2027 uploaded 17/05/2022 changed 17/05/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesUniversity of Pannonia - Többnyelvűségi Nyelvtudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
25/03/2022 - 25/03/2027 uploaded 17/05/2022 changed 17/05/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesNational University of Public Service - Rendészettudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
18/02/2022 - 18/02/2027 uploaded 17/05/2022 changed 17/05/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesHungarian University of Sport Science - Sporttudományok Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
25/03/2022 - 25/03/2027 uploaded 17/05/2022 changed 17/05/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesHungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Festetics Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
17/12/2021 - 31/12/2026 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of institutions in five-year cyclesSzéchenyi István UniversityHungary
28/01/2022 - 28/01/2027 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesCorvinus University of Budapest - Szociológia és Kommunikációtudomány Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
28/01/2022 - 28/01/2027 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesCorvinus University of Budapest - Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok és Politikatudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
28/01/2022 - 28/01/2027 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesCorvinus University of Budapest - Közgazdasági és Gazdaságinformatikai Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
28/01/2022 - 28/01/2027 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesCorvinus University of Budapest - Gazdálkodástani Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/11/2021 - 26/11/2026 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesUniversity of Szeged - Földtudományok Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/11/2021 - 26/11/2026 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesPázmány Péter Catholic University - Történelemtudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
17/12/2021 - 17/12/2026 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesPázmány Péter Catholic University - Hittudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/11/2021 - 26/11/2026 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesNational University of Public Service - Katonai Műszaki Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
17/09/2021 - 17/09/2026 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesNational University of Public Service - Hadtudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
17/09/2021 - 17/09/2026 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesEötvös Loránd University - Pszichológiai Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
17/09/2021 - 17/09/2026 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesEötvös Loránd University - Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
26/11/2021 - 26/11/2026 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesBudapest University of Technology and Economics - Vásárhelyi Pál Építőmérnöki és Földtudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
18/12/2020 - 18/12/2025 uploaded 03/02/2022 changed 03/02/2022MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesPázmány Péter Catholic University - Jog-és Államtudományi Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary