Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
06/09/2024 - 06/09/2029 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Initial evaluation of doctoral schoolsÓbuda University - Építészet, Design és Technológia Doktori Iskola (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 - 25/03/2027 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesUniversity of Pannonia - Többnyelvűségi Nyelvtudományi Doktori Iskola monitoreljárás (follow-up) (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 - 25/03/2027 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesSzéchenyi István University - Állam- és Jogtudományi Doktori Iskola monitoreljárás (follow-up) (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesCorvinus University of Budapest - Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok és Politikatudományi Doktori Iskola monitoreljárás (follow-up) (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 - 28/01/2027 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesCorvinus University of Budapest - Közgazdasági és Gazdaságinformatikai Doktori Iskola monitoreljárás (follow-up) (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 - 28/01/2027 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesCorvinus University of Budapest - Szociológia és Kommunikációtudomány Doktori Iskola monitoreljárás (follow-up) (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 - 28/01/2027 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesCorvinus University of Budapest - Gazdálkodástani Doktori Iskola monitoreljárás (follow-up) (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesUniversity of Szeged - Földtudományok Doktori Iskola monitoreljárás (follow-up) (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Initial evaluation of bachelor programmesEszterházy Károly Catholic University - A Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem által indítandó műszaki menedzser (fenntarthatósági és környezeti menedzser, műszaki képzési menedzser specializációk) alapképzési szak nyilvántartásba vétele (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Initial evaluation of VET programmesApor Vilmos Catholic College - Az Apor Vilmos Katolikus Főiskola által indítandó társadalmi integráció felsőoktatási szakképzés nyilvántartásba vétele (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Initial evaluation of master programmesUniversity of Debrecen - A Debreceni Egyetem által indítandó angol nyelvoktató mesterképzési szak (angol nyelven) nyilvántartásba vétele (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 - 25/03/2027 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesNational University of Public Service - Rendészettudományi Doktori Iskola monitoreljárás (follow-up) (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 - 18/02/2027 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesUniversity of Physical Education - Sporttudományok Doktori Iskola monitoreljárás (follow-up) (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 - 25/03/2027 uploaded 12/09/2024 changed 12/09/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesHungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Festetics Doktori Iskola monitoreljárás (follow-up) (degree)Hungary
06/09/2024 uploaded 09/09/2024 changed 09/09/2024MAB Initial evaluation of master programmesWekerle Business School - Master of Business Administration (MBA) mesterképzési szak (degree)Hungary
28/06/2024 - 30/06/2029 uploaded 03/07/2024 changed 03/07/2024MAB Accreditation of institutions in five-year cyclesUniversity of NyíregyházaHungary
23/02/2024 - 26/11/2026 uploaded 20/03/2024 changed 20/03/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesBudapest University of Technology and Economics - Vásárhelyi Pál Építőmérnöki és Földtudományi Doktori Iskola akkreditációs monitoreljárás lezárása (degree)Hungary
23/02/2024 - 23/02/2027 uploaded 20/03/2024 changed 20/03/2024MAB Accreditation of doctoral schools in 5 year cyclesÓbuda University - Óbudai Egyetem - Anyagtudományok és Technológiák Doktori Iskola akkreditációs eljárás lezárása (degree)Hungary
23/02/2024 - 23/02/2029 uploaded 20/03/2024 changed 20/03/2024MAB Accreditation of institutions in five-year cyclesDennis Gabor UniversityHungary
23/02/2024 - 23/02/2029 uploaded 20/03/2024 changed 20/03/2024MAB Accreditation of institutions in five-year cyclesÓbuda UniversityHungary