Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
05/06/2023 - 04/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesMedical University of Astana - Kinesitherapy (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
05/06/2023 - 04/06/2026 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesNational Scientific Center of Surgery named after A.N. Syzganov - Nephrology for adults, children (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
05/06/2023 - 04/06/2029 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesNational Scientific Center of Surgery named after A.N. Syzganov - Cardiology for adults, children (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
05/06/2023 - 04/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesS.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University - Surgical dentistry (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
05/06/2023 - 04/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesS.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University - Therapeutic dentistry (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
05/06/2023 - 04/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesS.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University - Orthopedic dentistry (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
05/06/2023 - 04/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesS.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University - Pediatric dentistry (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
05/06/2023 - 04/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesS.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University - Chemotherapy oncology (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
05/06/2023 - 04/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesS.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University - Adult, children`s phthisiology (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
05/06/2023 - 04/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesS.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University - Pathological anatomy (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKaraganda State Medical University - Anesthesiology and intensive care for adults, children (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKaraganda State Medical University - Allergology and immunology, including children's (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKaraganda State Medical University - Endocrinology for adults, children (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKaraganda State Medical University - Urology and andrology for adults, children (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKaraganda State Medical University - Pulmonology for adults, children (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKaraganda State Medical University - Ophthalmology for adults, children (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKaraganda State Medical University - Clinical pharmacology (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKaraganda State Medical University - Pediatric surgery (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKaraganda State Medical University - Hematology adult (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 20/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKaraganda State Medical University - Gastroenterology for adults, children (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan