Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 22/01/2025 changed 22/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakh-Russian Medical University - Angiosurgery adult, pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 22/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakh-Russian Medical University - Nephrology adult, pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 22/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakh-Russian Medical University - Gastroenterology adult, pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Pulmonology adult and pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Allergology and Immunology, adult and pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Ophthalmology, adult and pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Cardiosurgery, adult and pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Family Medicine (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Maxillofacial Surgery, adult and pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Neonatology (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Dermatovenerology, adult and pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Neurosurgery, adult and pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programmatic Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Otorhinolaryngology, adult and pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programmatic Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Nephrology, adult and pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programmatic Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Gastroenterology, adult and pediatric (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programmatic Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesSemey Medical University - Therapy (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
30/06/2022 - 29/06/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Programmatic Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakh-Russian Medical University - Medicine (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
20/12/2022 - 19/12/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ECAQA Institutional accreditation of Higher Education InstitutionsKazakh Scientific Center of Dermatology and Infectious DiseasesKazakhstan
21/02/2024 - 20/02/2029 uploaded 25/02/2025 changed 25/02/2025ECAQA Accreditation of the clinical skills centre (simulation-based healthcare education) of medical higher educational institutionsMedical University of AstanaKazakhstan
23/04/2024 - 23/04/2029 uploaded 25/02/2025 changed 25/02/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesNazarbayev University - Doctor of Medicine (MD) (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan