Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
23/01/2025 - 22/01/2030 uploaded 28/02/2025 changed 28/02/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesMedical University of Astana - EМВА «HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT» (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
23/01/2025 - 22/01/2030 uploaded 28/02/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesMedical University of Astana - Gerontology (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
23/01/2025 - 22/01/2030 uploaded 28/02/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesMedical University of Astana - Biological safety (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
20/02/2025 - 19/02/2030 uploaded 13/03/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakhstan Medical University Higher School of Public Health - Cardiology (adult, children's) (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
20/02/2025 - 19/02/2030 uploaded 13/03/2025 changed 13/03/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakhstan Medical University Higher School of Public Health - Otorhinolaryngology (adult, children's) (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
20/02/2025 - 19/02/2030 uploaded 13/03/2025 changed 13/03/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakhstan Medical University Higher School of Public Health - Neonatology (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
20/02/2025 - 19/02/2030 uploaded 13/03/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakhstan Medical University Higher School of Public Health - Endocrinology (adult, children's) (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
20/02/2025 - 19/02/2030 uploaded 13/03/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakhstan Medical University Higher School of Public Health - Dermatovenerology (adult, children's) (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
20/02/2025 - 19/02/2030 uploaded 13/03/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakhstan Medical University Higher School of Public Health - Gastroenterology (adult, children's) (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
20/02/2025 - 19/02/2030 uploaded 13/03/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakhstan Medical University Higher School of Public Health - Psychiatry (adult, children's) (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
20/02/2025 - 19/02/2030 uploaded 13/03/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakhstan Medical University Higher School of Public Health - Oncology adult (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
20/02/2025 - 19/02/2030 uploaded 13/03/2025 changed 13/03/2025ECAQA Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmesKazakhstan Medical University Higher School of Public Health - Physical medicine and rehabilitation (adult, children’s) (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan