Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
01/10/2021 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyCoburg University of Applied Sciences - Technische Physik (first cycle degree)Germany
15/03/2023 - 14/03/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyCoburg University of Applied Sciences - Sensorik (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2023 - 30/09/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyCoburg University of Applied Sciences - Analytic Instruments, Measurement and SensorTechnology (AIMS) (second cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2023 - 30/09/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 17/11/2024ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyHochschule Emden/Leer - Wirtschaftsinformatik Online (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2023 - 30/09/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 02/06/2024ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyBeuth University of Applied Sciences - Wirtschaftsinformatik online (first cycle degree)Germany
01/09/2023 - 31/08/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 25/03/2024ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyKiel University of Applied Sciences - Wirtschaftsinformatik Online (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2023 - 30/09/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 18/11/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyOstfalia University of Applied Sciences - Wirtschaftsinformatik (Online-Studiengang) (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2023 - 30/09/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyTechnische Hochschule Mittelhessen - Informatik (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2023 - 30/09/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyTechnische Hochschule Mittelhessen - Bioinformatik (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2023 - 30/09/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyTechnische Hochschule Mittelhessen - Ingenieur-Informatik (second cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2023 - 30/09/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyTechnische Hochschule Mittelhessen - Ingenieur-Informatik (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2023 - 30/09/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyTechnische Hochschule Mittelhessen - Informatik (second cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2023 - 30/09/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyTechnische Hochschule Mittelhessen - Digital Media Systems (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2022 - 30/09/2030 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 26/12/2024ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyTechnische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm - Energie- und Gebäudetechnik (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2022 - 30/09/2030 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyMunich University of Applied Sciences - Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (second cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2022 - 30/09/2030 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyMunich University of Applied Sciences - Maschinenbau (second cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2022 - 30/09/2030 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyMunich University of Applied Sciences - Fahrzeugtechnik (second cycle degree)Germany
01/04/2023 - 31/03/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyBrandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus – Senftenberg - Umweltingenieurwesen (second cycle degree)Germany
01/04/2023 - 31/03/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 03/08/2024ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyBrandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus – Senftenberg - Umweltingenieurwesen (first cycle degree)Germany
01/04/2023 - 31/03/2031 uploaded 31/10/2023 changed 31/10/2023ASIIN Programme accreditation in GermanyBrandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus – Senftenberg - Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und erneuerbare Energien (second cycle degree)Germany