Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
23/09/2022 - 30/09/2028 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationGadjah Mada University - Manajemen Sumberdaya Akuatik (first cycle degree)Indonesia
22/09/2023 - 13/10/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 23/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationShanghai Ocean University - 建筑环境与能源应用工程 (first cycle degree)China, People's Republic of
08/12/2023 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN Euro-Inf reviewBina Nusantara University - Teknik Informatika (second cycle degree)Indonesia
08/12/2023 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN Euro-Inf reviewBina Nusantara University - Teknik Informatika (first cycle degree)Indonesia
08/12/2023 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN Euro-Inf reviewBina Nusantara University - Teknik Informatika (first cycle degree)Indonesia
08/12/2023 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN Euro-Inf reviewBina Nusantara University - Teknik Informatika (first cycle degree)Indonesia
08/12/2023 - 19/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewTashkent State Technical University - Metallurgiya - Rangli Metallar (second cycle degree)Uzbekistan
08/12/2023 - 19/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewTashkent State Technical University - Elektr Ta’minoti - Sanoat Korxonalari Va Shaharlar (second cycle degree)Uzbekistan
08/12/2023 - 19/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewTashkent State Technical University - Metallurgiya (first cycle degree)Uzbekistan
08/12/2023 - 19/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewTashkent State Technical University - Elektr Energetikasi - Elektr Ta’minoti (first cycle degree)Uzbekistan
22/09/2023 - 13/10/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewThe University of Melbourne - Digital Infrastructure Engineering (second cycle degree)Australia
22/09/2023 - 13/10/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewThe University of Melbourne - Environmental Engineering (second cycle degree)Australia
22/09/2023 - 13/10/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewThe University of Melbourne - Civil Engineering (second cycle degree)Australia
22/09/2023 - 13/10/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewThe University of Melbourne - Architectural Engineering (second cycle degree)Australia
22/09/2023 - 13/10/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewReutlingen University - Leistungs- und Mikroelektronik (second cycle degree)Germany
22/09/2023 - 13/10/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewThe University of Melbourne - Chemical Engineering (second cycle degree)Australia
22/09/2023 - 13/10/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewThe University of Melbourne - Biomedical Engineering (second cycle degree)Australia
22/09/2023 - 13/10/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewReutlingen University - Dezentrale Energiesysteme und Energieeffizienz (second cycle degree)Germany
08/12/2023 - 19/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewTon Duc Thang University - Thạc sĩ Kỹ thuật điều khiển và tự động hóa (second cycle degree)Vietnam
08/12/2023 - 19/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN EUR-ACE reviewTon Duc Thang University - Kỹ sư Kỹ thuật điều khiển và tự động hóa (first cycle degree)Vietnam