Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
08/12/2023 - 19/04/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationUniversitas Lampung - Mathematika (first cycle degree)Indonesia
23/09/2022 - 30/09/2028 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationSebelas Maret University - Biology (first cycle degree)Indonesia
22/09/2023 - 13/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationKalimantan Institute of Technology - Teknik Material dan Metalurgi (first cycle degree)Indonesia
23/06/2023 - 14/07/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationSyiah Kuala University - Nursing profession (first cycle degree)Indonesia
22/09/2023 - 13/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationKalimantan Institute of Technology - Teknik Kimia (first cycle degree)Indonesia
22/09/2023 - 13/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationKalimantan Institute of Technology - Teknik Mesin (first cycle degree)Indonesia
24/06/2022 - 30/09/2027 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationState University of Makassar - Geography (first cycle degree)Indonesia
08/12/2023 - 19/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationYerevan State University - General and Medical Biochemistry (second cycle degree)Armenia
24/06/2022 - 30/09/2027 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationState University of Makassar - Chemistry Education (first cycle degree)Indonesia
08/12/2023 - 19/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationYerevan State University - Biochemistry and Biotechnology (first cycle degree)Armenia
08/12/2023 - 19/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationYerevan State University - Pharmacy (second cycle degree)Armenia
23/06/2023 - 14/07/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationSyiah Kuala University - Nursing (first cycle degree)Indonesia
08/12/2023 - 19/01/2025 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationYerevan State University - Pharmacy (first cycle degree)Armenia
23/06/2023 - 14/07/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationSyiah Kuala University - Veterinary Medicine profession (first cycle degree)Indonesia
17/09/2021 - 30/09/2028 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationL.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University - Биология (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
17/09/2021 - 30/09/2027 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationL.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University - молекулалық биотехнология және биомедицина (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
23/06/2023 - 14/07/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationSyiah Kuala University - Veterinary Medicine (first cycle degree)Indonesia
23/06/2023 - 14/07/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationSyiah Kuala University - Medicine profession (first cycle degree)Indonesia
09/12/2022 - 30/09/2028 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember - Teknik Material dan Metalurgi (second cycle degree)Indonesia
23/06/2023 - 14/07/2024 uploaded 21/02/2024 changed 21/02/2024ASIIN ASIIN seal programme accreditationSyiah Kuala University - Medicine (first cycle degree)Indonesia