Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
20/11/2022 - 20/11/2028 uploaded 09/05/2023 changed 09/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering - Research on Advanced Technologies and Processes in Industry (third cycle degree)Spain
20/11/2022 - 20/11/2028 uploaded 09/05/2023 changed 09/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)International Doctoral School of the A Coruña University - Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento (third cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 09/05/2023 changed 09/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering - Aerospace Technology: Electromagnetic, Electronic, Computer and Mechanical Engineering (third cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 09/05/2023 changed 09/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Agricultural Biodiversity And Rural Development Institute (IBADER) - Sustainable Soil and Land Management (third cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 05/05/2023 changed 05/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Higher Polytechnic Engineering School - Agricultural and Forestry Research (third cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 05/05/2023 changed 05/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)School of Engineering - in Information Technology Research (third cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 05/05/2023 changed 05/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Chemistry - Non atopei (third cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 05/05/2023 changed 05/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Marine Sciences - Non atopei (third cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 05/05/2023 changed 05/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)International Doctoral School of the A Coruña University - Salud, Discapacidad, Dependencia y Bienestar (third cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 05/05/2023 changed 05/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Science - Non atopei (third cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 05/05/2023 changed 05/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Economic & Business Sciences - Economic Analysis and Business Strategy (third cycle degree)Spain
12/03/2023 - 12/03/2029 uploaded 05/05/2023 changed 05/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Psychology - Psychological Devolpment, Learning and Health (third cycle degree)Spain
12/03/2023 - 12/03/2029 uploaded 05/05/2023 changed 05/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Biology - Environmental and Natural Resources (third cycle degree)Spain
12/03/2023 - 12/03/2029 uploaded 05/05/2023 changed 05/05/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Biology - Biodiversity and Preservation of the Natural Environment (third cycle degree)Spain
20/11/2022 - 20/11/2028 uploaded 24/02/2023 changed 24/02/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Sociology - Sociology (first cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 24/02/2023 changed 24/02/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Political and Social Sciences - Bachelor’s Degree Political Science and Public Administration (first cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 24/02/2023 changed 24/02/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)University School of Social Work - Bachelor’s Degree Social Work (first cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 24/02/2023 changed 24/02/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Optics and Optometry - Optics and Optometry (first cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 24/02/2023 changed 24/02/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Education Sciences - Bachelor’s Degree arly Childhood Education (first cycle degree)Spain
17/01/2023 - 17/01/2029 uploaded 24/02/2023 changed 24/02/2023ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Education Sciences - Bachelor’s Degree Teaching Primary Education (first cycle degree)Spain