Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2023 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Education Sciences - Bachelor’s Degree Social Education (first cycle degree)Spain
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2023 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Intercontinental Higher Education Business Institute (IESIDE) - Bachelor’s Degree Business Administration & Management (first cycle degree)Spain
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2023 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Economic & Business Sciences - Bachelor’s Degree Economics (first cycle degree)Spain
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2023 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Education Sciences - Bachelor’s Degree Social Work (first cycle degree)Spain
10/03/2015 - 10/03/2021 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Social Sciences & Communications - Bachelor’s Degree Audiovisual Communications (first cycle degree)Spain
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2023 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Education Sciences - Bachelor’s Degree Primary School Teacher Training (first cycle degree)Spain
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2021 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Business Sciences & Tourism - Dirección y Planificación del Turismo Interior y de Salud (second cycle degree)Spain
10/03/2015 - 10/03/2019 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Education Sciences - Dificultades de Aprendizaje y Procesos Cognitivos (second cycle degree)Spain
10/03/2015 - 10/03/2019 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Education Sciences - Intervención Multidisciplinar en la Diversidad en Contextos Educativos (second cycle degree)Spain
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2021 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Social Sciences & Communications - Dirección Pública y Liderazgo Institucional (second cycle degree)Spain
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2021 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Legal & Labour Sciences - Derecho de Empresa (second cycle degree)Spain
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2021 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Business Sciences & Tourism - Gestión Empresarial del Deporte (second cycle degree)Spain
10/03/2015 - 10/03/2019 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Social Sciences & Communications - Dirección de Arte en Publicidad (second cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2015 - 02/06/2019 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Pharmacy - Innovación en Seguridad y Tecnología Alimentarias (second cycle degree)Spain
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2021 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology - Advanced English Studies (second cycle degree)Spain
29/11/2017 - 29/11/2021 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Geography and History - Archaeology and Sciences of Antiquity (second cycle degree)Spain
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2023 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology - Bachelor’s Degree Classical Philology (first cycle degree)Spain
14/09/2017 - 14/09/2023 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology - Bachelor’s Degree Galician Language and Literature (first cycle degree)Spain
10/07/2017 - 10/07/2023 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Pharmacy - Pharmacy (second cycle degree)Spain
29/11/2017 - 29/11/2021 uploaded 10/10/2018 changed 14/06/2019ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Geography and History - Management of Artistic and Architectonic Heritage, Museums and Art Market (second cycle degree)Spain