Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2019 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology & Translation - Estudios Literarios (third cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2019 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology - Advanced English Studies: Linguistic, Literature and Culture (third cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2019 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology & Translation - Comunicación (third cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2019 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology - Medieval Studies (third cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2019 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philosophy - Philosophy (third cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2019 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology - Linguistics (third cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2019 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology - Literature and Cultural Studies (third cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2019 uploaded 27/04/2020 changed 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Geography and History - History, Geography and Art History (third cycle degree)Spain
23/07/2014 - 23/07/2020 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Humanities - Cultural Studies: Memories, Identities, Territories and Language (third cycle degree)Spain
07/10/2014 - 07/10/2018 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of History - Appreciation, Management and Protection of Cultural Heritage (second cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2017 uploaded 27/04/2020 changed 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology & Translation - Traducción para la Comunicación Internacional (second cycle degree)Spain
30/04/2015 - 30/04/2019 uploaded 27/04/2020 changed 27/04/2020ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Fine Arts - Arte Contemporáneo. Creación e Investigación (second cycle degree)Spain
07/10/2014 - 07/10/2020 uploaded 27/04/2020 changed 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology & Translation - Language Sciences and Literary Studies (first cycle degree)Spain
30/04/2015 - 30/04/2019 uploaded 27/04/2020 changed 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Humanities - Cultural Services (second cycle degree)Spain
28/04/2016 - 28/04/2020 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philosophy - Philosophy: Knowledge and Citizenship (second cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2017 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Geography and History - Management of Artistic and Architectonic Heritage, Museums and Art Market (second cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2017 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology - Literary and Culture Studies (second cycle degree)Spain
07/10/2014 - 07/10/2018 uploaded 27/04/2020 changed 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Geography and History - Archaeology and Sciences of Antiquity (second cycle degree)Spain
26/07/2011 - 26/07/2015 uploaded 27/04/2020 changed 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology - Literature, culture and diversity (second cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2017 uploaded 27/04/2020ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology - Applied Linguistics (second cycle degree)Spain