Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
25/01/2022 - 25/01/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Physics - Nuclear and Particles Physics (third cycle degree)Spain
25/01/2022 - 25/01/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Biology - Non atopei (third cycle degree)Spain
28/02/2022 - 28/02/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Law - Latin American Administrative Law (third cycle degree)Spain
28/02/2022 - 28/02/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Communication Sciences - Contemporary Comunication and Information (third cycle degree)Spain
28/02/2022 - 28/02/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Law - Law (third cycle degree)Spain
28/02/2022 - 28/02/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Mathematics - Statistics and Operations Research (third cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2022 - 02/06/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology - Literature and Cultural Studies (third cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2022 - 02/06/2026 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology - Advanced English Studies (second cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2022 - 02/06/2026 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology - Literary and Culture Studies (second cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2022 - 02/06/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology - Linguistics (third cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2022 - 02/06/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology - Medieval Studies (third cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2022 - 02/06/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology & Translation - Traducción y Paratraducción (third cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2022 - 02/06/2026 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Geography and History - Management of Artistic and Architectonic Heritage, Museums and Art Market (second cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2022 - 02/06/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Geography and History - History, Geography and Art History (third cycle degree)Spain
28/02/2022 - 28/02/2026 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Economic & Business Sciences - Administración Integrada de Empresas y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (second cycle degree)Spain
28/02/2022 - 28/02/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Biology - Non atopei (third cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2022 - 02/06/2028 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology & Translation - Estudios Lingüísticos (third cycle degree)Spain
25/01/2022 - 25/01/2026 uploaded 08/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Mathematics - Industrial Mathematics (second cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2022 - 02/06/2028 uploaded 08/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry - Epidemiology and Public Health (third cycle degree)Spain
02/06/2022 - 02/06/2028 uploaded 08/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philosophy - Philosophy (third cycle degree)Spain