Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
17/05/2020 - 17/05/2024 uploaded 21/06/2022 changed 21/06/2022ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Educational Studies - Dirección, Gestión e Innovación de Instituciones Escolares por la Universidad de A Coruña (second cycle degree)Spain
23/05/2021 - 23/05/2025 uploaded 21/06/2022 changed 21/06/2022ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Political and Social Sciences - Tecnologías en Marketing y Comunicación Política por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (second cycle degree)Spain
23/05/2021 - 23/05/2025 uploaded 21/06/2022 changed 21/06/2022ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Higher Polytechnic Engineering School - Sistemas Aéreos no Tripulados por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela y la Universidad de Vigo (second cycle degree)Spain
23/05/2021 - 23/05/2027 uploaded 21/06/2022 changed 21/06/2022ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Philology & Translation - Filología Aplicada Gallega y Española por la Universidad de Vigo (first cycle degree)Spain
23/05/2021 - 23/05/2027 uploaded 21/06/2022 changed 21/06/2022ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)School of Nautical Science and Marine Engineering - Máquinas Navales por la Universidad de A Coruña (first cycle degree)Spain
23/05/2021 - 23/05/2027 uploaded 21/06/2022 changed 21/06/2022ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Humanities - Gestión Cultural por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (first cycle degree)Spain
23/05/2021 - 23/05/2025 uploaded 21/06/2022 changed 21/06/2022ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Faculty of Nursing - Gerontología por la Universidad de A Coruña y la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (second cycle degree)Spain
16/09/2020 - 16/09/2024 uploaded 21/06/2022 changed 21/06/2022ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)Polytechnic University College - Informática Industrial y Robótica por la Universidad de A Coruña y la Universidad de La Laguna (second cycle degree)Spain
17/05/2020 - 17/05/2026 uploaded 21/06/2022 changed 21/06/2022ACSUG Verification of new (Bologna-type) programmes (“ex-ante accreditation”)University College of Technical Architecture - Arquitectura Técnica por la Universidad de A Coruña (first cycle degree)Spain
21/06/2021 - 21/06/2027 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Mathematics - Bachelor’s Degree Mathematics (first cycle degree)Spain
21/06/2021 - 21/06/2025 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)University College of Technical Architecture - Edificación Sostenible por la Universidad de A Coruña (second cycle degree)Spain
10/03/2021 - 10/03/2025 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Education Sciences & Sports - Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo (second cycle degree)Spain
21/06/2021 - 21/06/2027 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Fine Arts - Creation and Research in Contemporary Art (third cycle degree)Spain
21/06/2021 - 21/06/2027 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Fine Arts - Bachelor’s Degree Fine Arts (first cycle degree)Spain
21/06/2021 - 21/06/2027 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Humanities - Cultural Studies: Memories, Identities, Territories and Language (third cycle degree)Spain
21/06/2021 - 21/06/2027 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Legal & Labour Sciences - Gestión y Resolución de Conflictos. Menores, Familia y Justicia Terapéutica (third cycle degree)Spain
21/06/2021 - 21/06/2027 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Education Sciences & Sports - Equidad e Innovación en Educación (third cycle degree)Spain
23/05/2021 - 23/05/2027 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology & Translation - Comunicación (third cycle degree)Spain
23/05/2021 - 23/05/2027 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology - Advanced English Studies: Linguistic, Literature and Culture (third cycle degree)Spain
23/05/2021 - 23/05/2027 uploaded 14/06/2022 changed 14/06/2022ACSUG Accreditation of existing programmes (i.e. cyclical reaccreditation)Faculty of Philology & Translation - Estudios Literarios (third cycle degree)Spain