Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
06/05/2013 - 06/05/2017 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Medicine - Máster Universitario en Retina por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
28/12/2012 - 28/12/2016 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Law - Máster Universitario en AbogacÃa por la Universidad de Salamanca (second cycle degree)Spain
01/06/2012 - 01/06/2016 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Education and Social Work - Máster Universitario en PsicologÃa de la Educación por la Universidad de Valladolid e Instituto Latinoamericano de Altos Estudios Sociales ILAES(Chile) (second cycle degree)Spain
26/07/2011 - 26/07/2015 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Pharmacy - Máster Universitario en FisiopatologÃa y FarmacologÃa Celular y Molecular por la Universidad de Salamanca (second cycle degree)Spain
08/06/2011 - 08/06/2015 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Biomedicine Universitary Institute - Máster Universitario en Investigación en Medicina (second cycle degree)Spain
08/06/2011 - 08/06/2015 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Biology - Máster Universitario en BiologÃa Funcional de Microorganismos Eucariotas por la Universidad de Salamanca (second cycle degree)Spain
08/06/2011 - 08/06/2015 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Biology - Máster Universitario en BiologÃa Celular y Molecular por la Universidad de Salamanca (second cycle degree)Spain
08/06/2011 - 08/06/2015 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Medicine - Máster Universitario en Ciencias Odontológicas por la Universidad de Salamanca (second cycle degree)Spain
29/07/2010 - 29/07/2014 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Medicine - Máster Universitario en Investigación en Ciencias de la Salud-FarmacologÃa, NeurobiologÃa y Nutrición (second cycle degree)Spain
30/06/2010 - 30/06/2014 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Máster Universitario en Estudios Filológicos Superiores. Investigación y Aplicaciones Profesionales por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
07/05/2010 - 07/05/2014 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Science - Máster Universitario en Técnicas Avanzadas en QuÃmica por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
10/03/2010 - 10/03/2014 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Languages and Literature - Máster Universitario en Literatura Española e Hispanoamericana. Estudios Avanzados (second cycle degree)Spain
22/01/2010 - 22/01/2014 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Psychology - Máster Universitario en Trastornos de la Comunicación (second cycle degree)Spain
10/03/2010 - 10/03/2014 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Psychology - Máster Universitario en Lectura y Comprensión de Textos (second cycle degree)Spain
10/03/2010 - 10/03/2014 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Medicine - Máster Universitario en Análisis Avanzado de Datos Multivariantes (second cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 - 05/06/2030 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)School of Human and Social Sciences and Communication - Grado en Humanidades / Bachelor in Humanities (first cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 - 05/06/2030 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences - Grado en Derecho (first cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 - 05/06/2028 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Health Sciences - Máster Universitario en Rendimiento Deportivo (second cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 - 05/06/2030 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Medicine - Grado en AudiologÃa General (first cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 - 05/06/2030 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Programa de Doctorado en EconomÃa (third cycle degree)Spain