Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
04/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Computer Science - Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas Tecnológicas (first cycle degree)Spain
05/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesUniversity of Valladolid Doctorate School - Máster Universitario en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas (second cycle degree)Spain
06/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Education and Social Work - Máster Universitario en Investigación Aplicada a la Educación (second cycle degree)Spain
06/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesEscuela de IngenierÃas Industrial e Informática - Grado en IngenierÃa Eléctrica (first cycle degree)Spain
04/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Criminology - Grado en CriminologÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
08/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Social and Legal Sciences - Grado en Maestro en Educación Primaria (first cycle degree)Spain
06/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Translation and Information Science - Máster Universitario en Sistemas de Información Digital (second cycle degree)Spain
06/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Languages and Literature - Máster Universitario en la Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera (second cycle degree)Spain
06/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesSchool of Industrial Engineering - Grado en IngenierÃa Mecánica (first cycle degree)Spain
04/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesSchool of Industrial Engineering - Grado en IngenierÃa en Electrónica Industrial y Automática (first cycle degree)Spain
06/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Nursing - Grado en EnfermerÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
04/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Health Sciences - Grado en EnfermerÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
18/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Health Sciences - Máster Universitario en Nutrición y Dietética para la Práctica Deportiva (second cycle degree)Spain
15/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Health Sciences - Grado en Nutrición Humana y Dietética (first cycle degree)Spain
21/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesHigher Polytechnic School - Máster Universitario en EnergÃas Renovables y Sostenibilidad Energética (second cycle degree)Spain
15/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Law and Economics - Máster Universitario en AsesorÃa JurÃdica de Empresas (second cycle degree)Spain
18/10/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Law and Economics - Máster Universitario en Dirección de Recursos Humanos (second cycle degree)Spain
11/11/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Law and Economics - Máster Universitario en Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos (second cycle degree)Spain
11/11/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Science and Technology - Máster Universitario en Ciberseguridad (second cycle degree)Spain
11/11/2021 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Science and Technology - Máster Universitario en Análisis Inteligente de Datos Masivos (second cycle degree)Spain