Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
05/06/2019 - 05/06/2023 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)IE University - Máster Universitario en Desarrollo Internacional / Master in International Development por la IE Universidad (second cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2018 - 06/06/2022 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business - Máster Universitario en Análisis Económico y Finanzas por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2018 - 06/06/2022 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Law - Máster Universitario en Formación JurÃdica Especializada por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
31/07/2017 - 31/07/2021 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)IE University - Máster Universitario en Fiscalidad Global / Master in Global Taxation por la IE Universidad (second cycle degree)Spain
31/07/2017 - 31/07/2023 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)IE University - Graduado o Graduada en PolÃtica, Derecho y EconomÃa / Bachelor in Politics, Law and Economics por la IE Universidad (first cycle degree)Spain
31/07/2017 - 31/07/2021 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)IE University - Máster Universitario en Ciberseguridad / Master in Cybersecurity por la IE Universidad (second cycle degree)Spain
20/07/2016 - 20/07/2020 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Máster Universitario en Evolución Humana por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid; la Universidad de Alcalá y la Universidad de Burgos (second cycle degree)Spain
04/03/2016 - 04/03/2020 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Palencia Faculty of Education - Máster Universitario en Formación de Educadores para la Intervención Sociocomunitaria por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
04/03/2016 - 04/03/2020 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Health Sciences - Máster Universitario en Valoración y Atención a las Personas con Discapacidad FÃsica por la Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (second cycle degree)Spain
23/10/2015 - 23/10/2019 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Máster Universitario en FÃsica por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
11/12/2013 - 11/12/2019 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Programa de Doctorado en MusicologÃa por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y la Universidad de Valladolid (third cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2017 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Social Sciences - Máster Universitario en Investigación en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad de Salamanca (second cycle degree)Spain
11/12/2013 - 11/12/2017 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Law - Máster Universitario en Integración Europea por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
23/07/2013 - 23/07/2017 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Máster Universitario en Instrumentación en FÃsica por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2017 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Social Sciences - Máster Universitario en Estudios Brasileños por la Universidad de Salamanca (second cycle degree)Spain
23/07/2013 - 23/07/2017 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Law - Máster Universitario en Procura por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
23/07/2013 - 23/07/2017 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)School of Human and Social Sciences and Communication - Máster Universitario en Periodismo Digital / Master in Digital Journalism por la IE Universidad (second cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2017 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Law - Máster Universitario en AsesorÃa JurÃdica de Empresa por la Universidad de León (second cycle degree)Spain
23/07/2013 - 23/07/2017 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Máster Universitario en FÃsica por la Universidad de Salamanca (second cycle degree)Spain
25/09/2013 - 25/09/2017 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Law - Máster Universitario en Estudios JurÃdicos Avanzados por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain