Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
24/05/2021 - 24/05/2025 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences - Máster Universitario en Dirección y Gestión de Instituciones Educativas (second cycle degree)Spain
24/05/2021 - 24/05/2025 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Catholic University of Avila - Máster Universitario en Gestión y Liderazgo Humanizado de Servicios de Salud (second cycle degree)Spain
24/05/2021 - 24/05/2027 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Health Sciences - Grado en Nutrición Humana y Dietética (first cycle degree)Spain
24/05/2021 - 24/05/2025 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Máster Universitario en Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera (second cycle degree)Spain
24/05/2021 - 24/05/2025 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Health Sciences - Máster Universitario en PsicologÃa Forense (second cycle degree)Spain
22/06/2021 - 22/06/2027 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Higher Polytechnic School of Zamora - Grado en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones 3D Interactivas y Videojuegos (first cycle degree)Spain
03/06/2022 - 03/06/2026 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering - Máster Universitario en IngenierÃa de Telecomunicación (second cycle degree)Spain
21/11/2022 - 21/11/2028 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Health Sciences - Grado en EnfermerÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
22/06/2022 - 22/06/2026 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Criminology - Máster Universitario en Seguridad, Defensa y Liderazgo (second cycle degree)Spain
03/06/2022 - 03/06/2028 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Education - Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad FÃsica y del Deporte (first cycle degree)Spain
03/06/2022 - 03/06/2028 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Pontifical University of Salamanca - Grado en FilosofÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
30/05/2023 - 30/05/2029 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Law and Economics - Grado en FilosofÃa, PolÃtica y EconomÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
04/03/2016 - 04/03/2022 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)IE University - Grado en Gestión de Sistemas de Información - Bachelor in Management Information Systems (first cycle degree)Spain
04/03/2016 - 04/03/2022 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Grado en EstadÃstica (first cycle degree)Spain
23/12/2021 - 23/12/2027 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Health Sciences - Grado en Nutrición Humana y Dietética (first cycle degree)Spain
20/07/2016 - 20/07/2022 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Social Sciences - Grado en CriminologÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
27/02/2018 - 27/02/2022 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Polytechnic School - Máster Universitario en Comunicación y Desarrollo Multimedia (second cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2018 - 06/06/2022 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Philosophy - Máster Universitario en Estudios de la Ciencia, la TecnologÃa y la Innovación (second cycle degree)Spain
23/02/2018 - 23/02/2022 uploaded 06/05/2024 changed 06/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - Máster Universitario en Europa y el Mundo Atlántico: Poder, Cultura y Sociedad (second cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2018 - 06/06/2022 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Máster Universitario en FÃsica (second cycle degree)Spain