Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Languages and Literature - Grado en Estudios Alemanes (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business Studies - Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2021 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Chemical Sciences - Máster Universitario en IngenierÃa QuÃmica (second cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2021 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes (second cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business Studies - Grado en EconomÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Grado en Historia del Arte (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business Studies - Grado en Finanzas (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business Studies - Grado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercados (MIM) (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Grado en Ciencia y TecnologÃa de los Alimentos (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business Studies - Grado en Comercio Internacional (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business Studies - Grado en Turismo (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2021 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Law - Máster Universitario en Acceso a la AbogacÃa (second cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Education - Grado en Educación Infantil (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business Studies - Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Education - Grado en Educación Primaria (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business Studies - Grado en Finanzas y Contabilidad (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Education - Grado en Maestro en Educación Primaria (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Grado en QuÃmica (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2023 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Grado en Historia (first cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2017 - 06/06/2021 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Máster Universitario en QuÃmica Avanzada (second cycle degree)Spain