Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - Grado en Historia del Arte (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Higher Polytechnic School of Zamora - Grado en IngenierÃa Civil (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Chemical Sciences - Grado en IngenierÃa QuÃmica (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Translation and Interpreting - Grado en Traducción e Interpretación (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business - Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business - Grado en EconomÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2020 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Education and Social Work - Máster Universitario en PsicopedagogÃa (second cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2020 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - Máster Universitario en Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (second cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business - Grado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercados (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Economics and Business - Grado en Finanzas, Banca y Seguros (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Health Sciences (Ponferrada Campus) - Grado en Fisioterapia (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)School of Energy and Mining Engineering (Ponferrada Campus) - Grado en IngenierÃa de la EnergÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Education and Social Work - Grado en Trabajo Social (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - Grado en Lenguas Modernas y sus Literaturas (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering - Grado en EnologÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2020 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Máster Universitario en Evolución Humana (second cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2020 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Máster Universitario en Cultura del Vino: Enoturismo en la Cuenca del Duero (second cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Polytechnic School - Grado en IngenierÃa de Organización Industrial (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Polytechnic School - Grado en IngenierÃa Mecánica (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Humanities and Communication - Grado en Historia y Patrimonio (first cycle degree)Spain