Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Social, Legal and Communication Sciences - Grado en Turismo (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Social, Legal and Communication Sciences - Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - Grado en Periodismo (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Law - Grado en Derecho (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Work Sciences - Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Fine Arts - Grado en Bellas Artes (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Geography and History - Grado en Geografía (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Geography and History - Grado en Historia del Arte (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Geography and History - Grado en Historia (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Geography and History - Grado en Historia y Ciencias de la Música (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Geography and History - Grado en Humanidades (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2020 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Geography and History - Máster Universitario en Estudios Avanzados en Historia del Arte (second cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Translation and Information Science - Grado en Traducción e Interpretación (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Grado en Ciencias Ambientales (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Grado en Geología (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Chemical Sciences - Grado en Química (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2020 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Chemical Sciences - Máster Universitario en Química (second cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - Grado en Español: Lengua y Literatura (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2020 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Pharmacy - Máster Universitario en Química y Farmacia de Productos Naturales - Farmácia e Química de Produtos Naturais (second cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2016 - 29/04/2022 uploaded 25/02/2019ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - Grado en Estudios Clásicos (first cycle degree)Spain