Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Health Sciences - Máster Universitario en PsicologÃa Forense (second cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Health Sciences - Máster Universitario en PsicologÃa General Sanitaria (second cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesCatholic University of Avila - Máster Universitario en Terapia Manual del Sistema Musculoesquelético (second cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Health Sciences - Programa de Doctorado en Investigación en Actividad FÃsica y Salud en Poblaciones Especiales (third cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesUniversity of Valladolid Doctorate School - Máster Universitario en Literatura Española y Estudios Literarios en relación con las Artes (second cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Máster Universitario en Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera (second cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Máster Universitario en Divulgación CientÃfica (second cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesPontifical University of Salamanca - Grado en FilosofÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Grado en Educación Infantil (first cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Grado en Educación Primaria (first cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Máster Universitario en TecnologÃa Educativa y Competencia Digital Docente (second cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesPontifical University of Salamanca - Programa de Doctorado en Innovación en Ciencias Sociales (third cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesSchool of Human and Social Sciences and Communication - Grado en Administración de Empresas / Bachelor in Business Administration (first cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesSchool of Human and Social Sciences and Communication - Grado en EconomÃa / Bachelor in Economics (first cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Law and Economics - Grado en FilosofÃa, PolÃtica y EconomÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesSchool of Doctoral Programmes - Programa de Doctorado en Estudios Contrastivos y Comparados: inglés/francés/español (third cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Grado en Periodismo (first cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesSchool of Human and Social Sciences and Communication - Grado en Derecho / Bachelor of Laws (first cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Law and Economics - Máster Universitario en Dirección de Recursos Humanos (second cycle degree)Spain
05/06/2024 uploaded 17/10/2024 changed 17/10/2024ACSUCYL Modification of university degreesFaculty of Sciences and Arts - Grado en Bioinformática (first cycle degree)Spain