Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
30/05/2023 - 30/05/2027 uploaded 23/01/2025 changed 23/01/2025ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Social Sciences - Máster Universitario en Intervención Social y Educativa con Infancia y Adolescencia por la Universidad de Salamanca (second cycle degree)Spain
30/05/2023 - 30/05/2027 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)IE University - Máster Universitario en Estudios JurÃdicos Internacionales / Master LLM in International Legal Studies por la IE Universidad (second cycle degree)Spain
30/05/2023 - 30/05/2029 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Health Sciences - Graduado o Graduada en Logopedia por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (first cycle degree)Spain
30/05/2023 - 30/05/2029 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Health Sciences - Graduado o Graduada en Fisioterapia por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (first cycle degree)Spain
30/05/2023 - 30/05/2029 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Health Sciences - Graduado o Graduada en EnfermerÃa por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (first cycle degree)Spain
30/05/2023 - 30/05/2029 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Health Sciences (Ponferrada Campus) - Graduado o Graduada en Nutrición Humana y Dietética por la Universidad de León (first cycle degree)Spain
18/07/2023 - 18/07/2029 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Social Sciences - Graduado o Graduada en Derecho por la Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (first cycle degree)Spain
30/05/2023 - 30/05/2029 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Graduado o Graduada en Ciencias Gastronómicas por la Universidad de Burgos; la Universidad de León y la Universidad de Valladolid (first cycle degree)Spain
30/05/2023 - 30/05/2029 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)IE University - Graduado o Graduada en Matemática Aplicada / Bachelor in Applied Mathematics por la IE Universidad (first cycle degree)Spain
18/07/2023 - 18/07/2027 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)High Technical School of Integrated Studies in Architecture - Máster Universitario en Arquitectura / Master in Architecture por la IE Universidad (second cycle degree)Spain
18/07/2023 - 18/07/2027 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - Máster Universitario en Periodismo Digital: Innovación e Investigación por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
30/05/2023 - 30/05/2027 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)School of Industrial Engineering - Máster Universitario en IngenierÃa Biomédica por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
18/07/2023 - 18/07/2027 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Máster Universitario en Investigación Biomédica y Terapias Avanzadas por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
30/05/2023 - 30/05/2027 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)School of Postgraduate Studies - Máster Universitario en Investigación de la Diversidad Botánica y Zoológica por la Universidad de León (second cycle degree)Spain
18/07/2023 - 18/07/2027 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)School of Postgraduate Studies - Máster Universitario en Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial por la Universidad de León (second cycle degree)Spain
03/06/2022 - 03/06/2026 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)School of Industrial Engineering - Máster Universitario en IngenierÃa Industrial por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
03/06/2022 - 03/06/2028 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Medicine - Graduado o Graduada en Medicina por la Universidad de Salamanca (first cycle degree)Spain
03/06/2022 - 03/06/2026 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Palencia Faculty of Education - Máster Universitario en Estudios Feministas e Intervención para la Igualdad por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
22/06/2022 - 22/06/2026 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering - Máster Universitario en Investigación en TecnologÃas de la Información y las Comunicaciones por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain
03/06/2022 - 03/06/2026 uploaded 04/12/2024 changed 04/12/2024ACSUCYL Verification of official degrees (ex-ante accreditation)Faculty of Commerce - Máster Universitario en Relaciones Laborales y Empresa por la Universidad de Valladolid (second cycle degree)Spain