Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
07/06/2019 - 06/06/2026 uploaded 04/05/2023 changed 04/05/2023AAQ Accreditation of basic training for a university level medical profession pursuant to HEdA and Medical Professions Act (MedPA)University of Geneva - Human medicine (first cycle degree), Human medicine (second cycle degree)Switzerland
07/06/2019 - 06/06/2026 uploaded 04/05/2023 changed 04/05/2023AAQ Accreditation of basic training for a university level medical profession pursuant to HEdA and Medical Professions Act (MedPA)Federal Institute of Technology Zurich - Pharmazie (first cycle degree), Pharmazie (second cycle degree)Singapore, Switzerland
07/06/2019 - 06/06/2026 uploaded 04/05/2023 changed 04/05/2023AAQ Accreditation of basic training for a university level medical profession pursuant to HEdA and Medical Professions Act (MedPA)University of Basel - Pharmazie (first cycle degree), Pharmazie (second cycle degree)Switzerland
27/09/2019 - 26/09/2026 uploaded 04/05/2023 changed 04/05/2023AAQ Accreditation of basic training for a university level medical profession pursuant to HEdA and Medical Professions Act (MedPA)University of Geneva - Pharmacy (first cycle degree), Pharmacy (second cycle degree)Switzerland
26/03/2021 - 25/03/2028 uploaded 04/05/2023 changed 04/05/2023AAQ Accreditation of basic training for a university level medical profession pursuant to HEdA and Medical Professions Act (MedPA)University of Zurich - Chiropractic medicine (first cycle degree), Chiropractic medicine (second cycle degree)Switzerland
17/12/2021 - 16/12/2028 uploaded 04/05/2023 changed 04/05/2023AAQ Accreditation of basic training for a university level medical profession pursuant to HEdA and Medical Professions Act (MedPA)University of Fribourg - Human medicine (second cycle degree), Human medicine (first cycle degree)Switzerland
23/03/2018 - 22/03/2025 uploaded 02/05/2023 changed 02/05/2023AAQ Certification procedures in Austria (institutional Q-audit)University of Music and Performing Arts GrazAustria
24/09/2021 - 23/09/2028 uploaded 02/05/2023 changed 02/05/2023AAQ Certification procedures in Austria (institutional Q-audit)University of InnsbruckAustria
24/03/2023 - 23/03/2030 uploaded 02/05/2023 changed 02/05/2023AAQ Certification procedures in Austria (institutional Q-audit)Vienna University of TechnologyAustria
23/03/2018 - 22/03/2025 uploaded 02/05/2023 changed 02/05/2023AAQ Certification procedures in Austria (institutional Q-audit)University of LinzAustria
24/09/2021 - 23/09/2028 uploaded 28/04/2023 changed 28/04/2023AAQ Institutional accreditation in SwitzerlandSBS Swiss Business SchoolSwitzerland
24/09/2021 - 23/09/2028 uploaded 28/04/2023 changed 28/04/2023AAQ Institutional accreditation in SwitzerlandUniversity of LucerneSwitzerland
24/09/2021 - 23/09/2028 uploaded 28/04/2023 changed 28/04/2023AAQ Institutional accreditation in SwitzerlandUniversity of teacher Education of Bern, Jura and FribourgSwitzerland
24/09/2021 - 23/09/2028 uploaded 28/04/2023 changed 28/04/2023AAQ Institutional accreditation in SwitzerlandUniversity of BernSwitzerland
24/09/2021 - 23/09/2028 uploaded 28/04/2023 changed 28/04/2023AAQ Institutional accreditation in SwitzerlandZug University of Teacher EducationSwitzerland
24/09/2021 - 23/09/2028 uploaded 28/04/2023 changed 28/04/2023AAQ Institutional accreditation in SwitzerlandUniversity of NeuchâtelSwitzerland
24/09/2021 - 23/09/2028 uploaded 28/04/2023 changed 28/04/2023AAQ Institutional accreditation in SwitzerlandUniversity of Teacher Education ThurgauSwitzerland
25/06/2021 - 24/06/2028 uploaded 28/04/2023 changed 28/04/2023AAQ Institutional accreditation in SwitzerlandUniversity of LausanneSwitzerland
26/03/2021 - 25/03/2028 uploaded 28/04/2023 changed 28/04/2023AAQ Institutional accreditation in SwitzerlandZurich University of Teacher EducationSwitzerland
26/03/2021 - 25/03/2028 uploaded 28/04/2023 changed 28/04/2023AAQ Institutional accreditation in SwitzerlandUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern SwitzerlandSwitzerland