Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 28/06/2023 changed 28/06/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsUkrainian-American Concordia University - International Business (Bachelor of International Economic Relations, educational programme "International Business") (degree)Ukraine
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 28/06/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsDoha Institute for Graduate Studies (DI) - Master of Social Sciences and Humanities - Linguistics and Arabic Lexicography (degree), Master of Social Sciences and Humanities- Philosophy (degree), Master of Social Sciences and Humanities- History (degree)Qatar
22/03/2023 - 21/03/2028 uploaded 29/06/2023 changed 29/06/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsUniversitas Multimedia Nusantara - Master in Technology Management (Master in Management - Magister Manajemen (M.M.)) (degree), Bachelor of Management (Bachelor of Economics - Sarjana Ekonomi (S.M.)) (degree), Bachelor of Accounting (Bachelor of Economics - Sarjana Ekonomi (S.Ak.) (degree)Indonesia
22/03/2023 - 21/03/2028 uploaded 29/06/2023 changed 29/06/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsUniversitas Trisakti - Master of Accounting - Magister of Accounting (M.Ak.) (degree)Indonesia
22/03/2023 - 21/03/2028 uploaded 29/06/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsState Islamic University of Yogyakarta - Bachelor of Islamic Early Childhood Education (degree), Communication Science (Bachelor of Communication Science (S.I.Kom)) (degree), Sociology (Bachelor of Social Science (S.Sos)) (degree), Islamic Religious Education (Bachelor of Education (S.Pd)) (degree), Arabic Language Education (Bachelor of Education (S.Pd)) (degree), Religious Studies (Bachelor of Religion (S.Ag)) (degree), Bachelor for Islamic Elementary School Teachers (degree), Islamic Guidance and Counselling (Bachelor of Social Science (S.Sos)) (degree), Master of Islamic Early Childhood Education (degree), Islamic Community Development (Bachelor of Social Science (S.Sos)) (degree), Bachelor of Islamic Education Management (degree), Islamic Theology and Philosophy (Bachelor of Religion (S.Ag.)) (degree), Qur’anic Studies (Bachelor of Religion (S.Ag.)) (degree), Hadith Studies (Bachelor of Religion (S.Ag.)) (degree), Islamic Studies (Dr.) (degree), Islamic Financial Management (Bachelor of Economics (SE)) (degree), Islamic Banking (Bachelor of Economics (SE)) (degree), Master for Islamic Elementary School Teachers (degree)Indonesia
22/03/2023 - 21/03/2028 uploaded 29/06/2023 changed 29/06/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsUniversitas Negeri Gorontalo - Bachelor in Physics Education (S.Pd.) (degree), Bachelor in Geograpy Education (S.Pd.) (degree), Bachelor in Chemistry Education (S.Pd.) (degree), Bachelor of Biology Education (S.Pd.) (degree), ELESP English Language Education Study Programme (Bachelor of Education - Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)) (degree)Indonesia
22/03/2023 - 21/03/2028 uploaded 29/06/2023 changed 29/06/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsVietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City,University of Social Science and Humanities - Bachelor of Arts in Oriental Studies (degree), Bachelor of Arts in German Linguistics and Literature (degree), Bachelor of Arts in English Linguistics and Literature (degree)Vietnam
22/03/2023 - 21/03/2028 uploaded 29/06/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsMiddle East University - Bachelor of Law (degree)Jordan
21/06/2023 uploaded 30/06/2023 changed 30/06/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsDoha Institute for Graduate Studies (DI) - Master of Development Economics (MDE) (degree), Master of Science in Critical Security Studies (MSCS) (degree)Qatar
21/06/2023 uploaded 30/06/2023 changed 30/06/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsUniversity of Islam Malang - Bachelor programme Public Administrative Science (Bachelor of Public Administrative Science (Sarjana Ilmu Administrasi Publik (S.A.P)) (degree), Bachelor programme Management (Bachelor of Management (Sarjana Manajem (S.M)) (degree), Bachelor programme Accounting (Bachelor of Accounting (Sarjana Akuntansi (S.Ak)) (degree), Bachelor programme Law (Bachelor of Law (Sarjana Hukum (S.H))) (degree)Indonesia
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 06/07/2023 changed 06/07/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsUniversitas Muhammadiyah Malang - Bachelor of Management (S.M.) (degree)Indonesia
01/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 06/07/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsUniversitas Muhammadiyah Malang - Bachelor of Psychology (S.Psi.) (degree)Indonesia
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 06/07/2023 changed 06/07/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsUniversitas Muhammadiyah Malang - Bachelor of Communication Science (S.I.Kom) (degree)Indonesia
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 18/07/2023 changed 18/07/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsDoha Institute for Graduate Studies (DI) - Clinical Psychology (M.Sc.) (degree), Social Psychology (M.Sc.) (degree), Social Work (SWK) (degree)Qatar
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 18/07/2023 changed 18/07/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsDoha Institute for Graduate Studies (DI) - Social Work (SWK) (degree)Qatar
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 18/07/2023 changed 18/07/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsDoha Institute for Graduate Studies (DI) - Social Psychology (M.Sc.) (degree)Qatar
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 18/07/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsDoha Institute for Graduate Studies (DI) - Clinical Psychology (M.Sc.) (degree)Qatar
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 18/07/2023 changed 18/07/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsUniversitas Lampung - Bachelor of Development Economics (B.E.) (degree)Indonesia
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 18/07/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsUniversitas Lampung - Master of Management (M.M) (degree)Indonesia
21/06/2023 - 20/06/2028 uploaded 18/07/2023 changed 18/07/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsUniversitas Lampung - Bachelor of Management (B.M) (degree)Indonesia