Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
05/07/2018 - 05/07/2024 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationTodor Kableshkov Higher School of TransportBulgaria
17/05/2018 - 17/05/2024 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationUniversity of ForestryBulgaria
01/06/2017 - 01/06/2023 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationUniversity of Agribusiness and Rural DevelopmentBulgaria
09/04/2020 - 09/04/2024 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationBlagoevgrad College of TourismBulgaria
25/01/2018 - 25/01/2023 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationVarna University of ManagementBulgaria
07/12/2017 - 07/12/2022 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationManagement, Trade and Marketing CollegeBulgaria
15/03/2018 - 15/03/2024 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationUniversity of Economics - VarnaBulgaria
08/06/2017 - 08/06/2023 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationUniversity of Security and EconomicsBulgaria
19/07/2018 - 19/07/2024 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationUniversity of Chemical Technology and MetallurgyBulgaria
26/04/2018 - 26/04/2023 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationUniversity of Telecommunications and PostBulgaria
19/07/2018 - 19/07/2024 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationNikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy’Bulgaria
25/03/2021 - 25/03/2027 uploaded 02/06/2023 changed 02/06/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationBulgarian Air Force Academy "Georgi Benkovski" - Dolna MitropoliaBulgaria
11/06/2020 - 11/06/2024 uploaded 31/05/2023 changed 31/05/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationEuropean Polytechnical University - PernikBulgaria
04/05/2017 - 04/05/2023 uploaded 31/05/2023 changed 31/05/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationBurgas Free UniversityBulgaria
04/04/2019 - 04/04/2025 uploaded 31/05/2023 changed 31/05/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationAgricultural AcademyBulgaria
12/09/2019 - 12/09/2025 uploaded 31/05/2023 changed 31/05/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationAcademy of Ministry of Internal AffairsBulgaria
07/09/2017 - 07/09/2023 uploaded 31/05/2023 changed 31/05/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationAmerican University in BulgariaBulgaria
17/04/2019 - 17/04/2025 uploaded 31/05/2023 changed 31/05/2023NEAA Institutional accreditationAcademy of Music, Dance and Fine ArtsBulgaria
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2026 uploaded 17/03/2023 changed 17/03/2023AQU Institutional accreditationBlanquerna School of Communication and International RelationsSpain
11/07/2017 - 11/07/2022 uploaded 17/03/2023 changed 17/03/2023AQU Institutional accreditationFaculty of ArtsSpain