Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
29/01/2025 - 29/01/2031 uploaded 18/02/2025 changed 18/02/2025AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationVilanova i la Geltrú School of EngineeringSpain
27/11/2024 - 27/11/2030 uploaded 17/12/2024 changed 17/12/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationFaculty of Nursing and PhysiotherapySpain
11/11/2024 - 11/11/2030 uploaded 11/12/2024 changed 11/12/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationDoctoral SchoolSpain
11/11/2024 - 11/11/2030 uploaded 03/12/2024 changed 03/12/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationDoctoral SchoolSpain
22/10/2024 - 22/10/2030 uploaded 03/12/2024 changed 03/12/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationHigher Polytechnic SchoolSpain
11/11/2024 - 11/11/2030 uploaded 29/11/2024 changed 29/11/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationDoctoral SchoolSpain
25/09/2024 - 25/09/2030 uploaded 15/10/2024 changed 15/10/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationFaculty of PhilologySpain
03/06/2024 - 03/06/2030 uploaded 02/08/2024 changed 02/08/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationSchool of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering of TerrassaSpain
26/06/2024 - 26/06/2030 uploaded 02/08/2024 changed 02/08/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationPolytechnic SchoolSpain
18/07/2024 - 18/07/2030 uploaded 31/07/2024 changed 31/07/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationFaculty of Translation and InterpretingSpain
24/04/2024 - 24/04/2030 uploaded 05/07/2024 changed 05/07/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationManresa School of EngineeringSpain
22/03/2024 - 22/03/2030 uploaded 24/05/2024 changed 24/05/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationFaculty of Earth SciencesSpain
21/12/2023 - 21/12/2029 uploaded 02/02/2024 changed 02/02/2024AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationBarcelona School of Industrial EngineeringSpain
20/07/2023 - 20/07/2029 uploaded 02/08/2023 changed 02/08/2023AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationBarcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI)Spain
20/07/2023 - 20/07/2029 uploaded 31/07/2023 changed 31/07/2023AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationETSEQ School of Chemical Engineering - TarragonaSpain
17/05/2023 - 17/05/2029 uploaded 12/07/2023 changed 12/07/2023AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationSchool of Agrifood and Forestry Science and Engineering (ETSEA)Spain
17/05/2023 - 17/05/2029 uploaded 19/05/2023 changed 19/05/2023AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationFaculty of Health and Life SciencesSpain
24/02/2023 - 24/02/2029 uploaded 30/03/2023 changed 30/03/2023AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationFaculty of EducationSpain
24/02/2023 - 24/02/2029 uploaded 27/03/2023 changed 27/03/2023AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationBarcelona School of Telecommunications EngineeringSpain
24/02/2023 - 24/02/2029 uploaded 17/03/2023 changed 17/03/2023AQU Ex-post IQAs certificationBarcelona School of Nautical StudiesSpain