Institute of Molecular Biology “Acad. Roumen Tsanev”
Институт по молекулярна биология “Академик Румен Цанев”
Basic information
- BG0095
Provider typehigher education institution
Legal seat(s)Sofia, Bulgaria
QF-EHEA levelsthird cycle
Part of
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (consortium)
National External Quality Assurance Requirements
Institutional and programme evaluation
If the score obtained during the institutional accreditation procedure is below 4, the accreditation shall be denied. For scores between 4 and 5, the higher education institution may be allowed to offer instruction at Bachelor level in the relevant professional area or specialty related to regulated professions. For accreditation scores between 5 and 10 the higher institution may offer instruction at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level (pursuant to Article 80, Paragraph 2. Higher Education Act, 61/2011). - Further information on external quality assurance in Bulgaria
External Quality Assurance Reports and Decisions
Institutional level
No results found.
Programme level
- PhD
Levelthird cycle
Programme typeFull recognised degree programme
DEQAR Report ID95811
- Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmes
Statuspart of obligatory EQA system
Formal decisionpositive
Valid untilnot applicable
Report and decision
Agency's identifierPA_BAS_IMB_DP_MolecularBiology_2023
Verifiable Credential