Casa College
Basic information
- CY0016
- ROR:
- Erasmus: CY NICOSIA36
- WHED: IAU-002008
Erasmus Institution Code
Identifier assigned by the European Commission to higher education institutions participating in the Erasmus+ programme - data harvested from ETER/OrgRegIAU World Higher Education Database (WHED)
Identifier used in the world-wide WHED database of higher education institutions, managed by the International Association of Universities (IAU) - data harvested from ETER/OrgReg -
Provider typehigher education institution
Legal seat(s)Nicosia, Cyprus
Further location(s)Nicosia, Cyprus
Founding year1997
QF-EHEA levelsfirst cycle, short cycle
National External Quality Assurance Requirements
External programmatic evaluation and accreditation
Is compulsory for all programmes of study offered by higher education institutions and it takes place every five-years. -
Institutional evaluation
A systematic evaluation of all higher education institutions, taking place every five years. -
Departmental Evaluation
It is a compulsory evaluation for all departments at universities and it takes place every five-years. In some cases there is a concurrent evaluation of study programmes within the department carried out together with the Departmental Evaluation. -
Evaluation and accreditation of a study programme
a systematic evaluation carried out every five years. For PhD programmes additional areas of assessment are included i.e. selection criteria and requirements, proposal and dissertation. - Further information on external quality assurance in Cyprus
External Quality Assurance Reports and Decisions
Institutional level
No results found.
Programme level
- Certificate
Levelshort cycle (NQF level 5a)
Programme typeFull recognised degree programme
DEQAR Report ID112004
TypeProgramme evaluation – accreditation
Statuspart of obligatory EQA system
Formal decisionpositive
Valid until30/05/2029
Report and decision
Agency's identifier07.
Verifiable Credential
- Bachelor
Levelfirst cycle (NQF level 6)
Programme typeFull recognised degree programme
DEQAR Report ID112003
TypeProgramme evaluation – accreditation
Statuspart of obligatory EQA system
Formal decisionpositive
Valid until30/05/2028
Report and decision
Agency's identifier07.
Verifiable Credential